Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Funk

I've been in the funk.
Maybe it's the time of year--weather--inversion.
Maybe it's Conan's hiatus from television.
Maybe it's the economy.
Maybe it's the fetus kicking me (which I love) and stealing all my normal, secure, non-crazy hormones and replacing them with insanity, insecurity, and anxiety.

Thank goodness for:

This guy.

This guy.



This woman.

And this reunion... this weekend.


  1. Hurray for family! We kinda like your dad, too.
    (I still think you look like Michelle in that pic w/ your mom)
    Good luck getting through the rest of this season.
    Hey, if you were 3, you'd totally have your upcoming birthday to look forward to!

  2. Awesome. Glad for that reunion and for the happy things in your life. I'll admit too that I get in those funks more often than I'd LIKE to admit. You're not alone. Probably the weather. Or Conan. Or not enough chocolate in your diet. You're right. Lots of reasons to be in a funk.

  3. oh leesh I love you sooooooo much and completely agree!!!! Don't beat yourself up..EVERYONE is in this FUNK! I am feeling insecure, insane and unstable and I have no pregnancy hormone excuse...people who say they are not down are full of SH*T! I can't wait for this next week! Bring on the LEE festivities...always a good time with much laughter and bouying up of each other!!! xo

  4. "The Funk"??? More like FUNKY TOWN!!!

    Was that cheesy enough? Did I make you throw up in your mouth just a little bit with that?

    Seriously, though... I am BEYOND excited to all hang out together!

    (And yes, I'm pretty sure the life-without-Conan is making everyone depressed. It blows!)

  5. Play that funky music white girl, I'm coming to town.

  6. Uh I kind of can't believe I didn't make the list.

  7. I am SOOOO with you! Thank heavens January is almost over. We seriously MUST do our chick flick night - I'm thinking the first weekend in February - email me! (

    :) Happy reunion :)

  8. We're getting there....It will be over before we know it...hopefully.

    Currently my "pick-me-up" is marshmallow pies...I may have purchased a box on Wednesday...and they may be gone already...

  9. There's a definite FUNK going around. I have it to.

    Have a fun reunion! That outta blow the stink off ya?

  10. I've already bought your little girl a present! I can't waith to send it to you! I'll probably wait until we are closer to May...just excited for your new arrival. Have fun with your family! You are the best!

  11. I feel the same way, just kinda in a funk as well! Family always will brighten my day! So glad that you all get to see each other this weekend. Take lots of pictures!!

  12. hooray!!! Have fun with your fam!!

  13. Hey, Lees-thanks for sharing your mom with me this weekend-I REALLY needed it!! Love you guys!

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