Monday, January 11, 2010

Love that boy

I know that we are a little biased, but we think this boy is the cutest, smartest, greatest kid ever. He is just growing up so fast and getting so big that sometimes I barely recognize him. It's a little alarming to me that he is not really a "baby" at all any more; he's a little boy... and becoming less little every day. His sense of humor is probably the greatest thing about him these days. We are just loving that he is developing this fun, hilarious, and sweet personality.

A few things he's into lately: He's quite the climber, he loves balls (insert joke here), he is "talking" more and more and is even getting somewhat eloquent, he's becoming pretty independent and only wanting to feed himself, he's loving his new mega-blocks and anything that he can put or fit together, he loves the stairs (climbing up and down them, sitting on them, and throwing things down them), he LOVES his daddy and won't even try to learn how to say "mama", he loves books, he loves bath-time and teeth-brushing-time, he loves getting tucked in and especially loves the "tuck-tuck" song, he loves getting chased, caught, and tickled, he loves to show everyone everything and share what he has (we're not sure how much longer this will last), he's recently taken to running -not walking- everywhere he goes, and he loves putting his fingers up his nose (and laughing hysterically while he does it).
He is one funny kid. We feel so lucky to have him as ours.

This is not the greatest picture, but this shows how much of a climber this kid is. He has also recently taken to climbing on the couches and chairs--and is always very pleased with himself when he gets to the "top". I figure it's only a matter of time before he finds a way out of his crib.

Again, not the greatest picture--but we thought this was hilarious and actually had a camera on hand to document it. We were at the Nike outlet in Park City with the Walkers and Jake's eyes about popped out of his head when he saw all the balls. This kid loves balls... Just like his cousin, Jack he is obsessed. We think it's pretty cute.


  1. I am finally caught up! Your Christmas holiday looked so fun. I love Jake sleepy Christmas morning eyes.

  2. awww, we love him too! Jack wants Jake to come jump in his new "jump jump"

    That is hilarious, is he IN the cart with all the balls? I can't quite tell.

  3. could the Carter's BE any cuter? and then you're going to have a little girl on top of it!!! i mean, it just doesn't get any more delicious than that.

  4. Our cute Jake sounds so much like Scott at that age; he has a huge ball fetish and he is a master climber. He'll be scaling the sides of his crib before you blink.

  5. Remember mom's story about trying to figure out how Scott would REPEATEDLY be found outside his crib? So one time she "shut" the door, then peeked through its crack to watch little Scotty position some ginormous teddy bear at the side, climb on top, proceed to climb OUT of the crib onto his dresser, and jump right off!!!

    I can't wait to see what disasters that adorable boy of yours gets into. :)

  6. We love that boy too. It's been pretty awesome being there from the beginning and watching all the changing and growing. I love it! He is a highly entertaining little guy.

  7. You failed to mention how he screamed like a banshee being castrated when you took him OUT of the balls.

    Which was hilarious, by the by.

  8. we may or may not be a ltitle partial ourselves. I try and keep it "fair" while Scott outright says Jake is his favorite "kid!" No offense to anyone else reading this....but Scott would say "who cares? It's true!" I love the stories your mom and Laurel shared about jake being like Scott it makes me SOOO happy inside. I smile while I am typing this. Thanks for sharing him. He really has the sweetest disposition and is just a cool, chill dude! I can't wait to see him with baby Sarah!!!!!

  9. p.s. loved seeing you sunday. I just absolutely LOVE and can't get enough of the times when we all get together! cAN'T WAIT til your parents and the lil bros get here! LEE time GOOD time!

  10. Freaking cute kids! That's all I see with you Lees and my siblings and other families. It is SUCH a relief to not have to look at thousands of pictures of uggo babies and pretend like they are the cutest things ever! ;-) And just because I never remember to comment...we regularly read your blog and love it/you/your family! Come up and get Thai food with us sometime! :)

  11. Your little boy is such a doll. So beautiful (like his Mom).

  12. What a little cutie pie!!!

    He is looking more and more grown up! I swear, didn't we just have our kids like 2 days ago? Before we know it, we'll be saying the same thing about our next kiddos.
