Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Welcome to Girldom"

So it's official.
"Girl World" is real and it's fabulous.
My adorable friend, Allison just dropped by today with her two girlies to say hello, (seriously, I love this girl and it's been waaaay too long...) and to give baby Sarah and me her very first tutu.
I love it--
and kind of want one in my size.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Year Older and Wiser Too?

I don't really know about "wiser"... but I am another year older whether I like it or not.

That being said, it was a great weekend.

Saturday night Blaine and I got a babysitter for Jake, ate sushi at Tsunami (our favorite), then hit Hale Center Theater for Fiddler On The Roof. We got season tickets this year, and Fiddler marks our second show of the season. We are loving our elitist feelings of sophistication, and are trying hard to sound awesome and super cool about attending the theatre... This play is really incredible. I was so impressed with the cast's talent and the set. Seriously, if you are thinking about going--do it.

Sunday was also great... we had family over last night for cake and ice cream, and as usual we laughed and talked and ate and laughed and laughed all night.

The clip here is from the movie version of Fiddler. This is from the Tevye's dream scene. Some of you may know that I have said that if I die before Blaine and he tries to remarry, I'll come back from the grave to haunt him and his new wife like Fruma Sarah, the butcher's wife.

Check this out. She rocks.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little Sarah Dress

I still can't make up my mind if I should lose the ribbon or not...
But I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
Thanks, Elizabeth for the pattern. I love it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby, baby, baby

I have the greatest cousins.
The Kempton, McConkie and Lee girls got together last weekend to bask in baby glory. Debra had her beautiful baby girl, Claire, I'm pregnant with baby Sarah, and Kristin is pregnant with a baby boy and a girl!-- that's right people, she's pregnant with twins, is due within about a week of me, and is as tiny and cute as ever.
P.S. Debra looks awesome too. As usual. :)

Kristin and me.

I love these girls. I still remember the moment we first became buddies and bonded over "The Beach Boys". I was in heaven when they finally moved to Utah and we could be friends for real. E.F.Y., Senior trip, roomates in college... Karin and Kristin are the greatest.

Mesia and Seni.

Isabel... I think Laurel needs to buy this toy for her.

My beautiful aunt Joan with baby Joseph, Seni, and Mesia.

Pretty Laurel and Debra.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kindred Spirits

You know what's awesome?...
When you really love your husband's friend's wife.
I love this girl.

Thanks for a great brunch, Christy. It's really too bad I live in Salt Lake and you live in Germany. I just know we'd be perfect neighbors and even better friends.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Birthday babies

Our nephew, Jack (Brent and Markelle) and our niece, Isabel (Laurel and Jason) share a birthday. We love celebrating both birthdays--even though I anticipate it being a little tricky in years to come... we love these kiddos and really love watching them grow up.

First stop:
Jackson Brent Carter
Age 2
January 31st
3:00 pm

{Sadly, none of the pictures I tok with my camera worked out very well... I'm still trying to figure out all these settings... but I stole these cuties from Markelle's blog.
Check out Jack's adorable shirt. Markelle made it!}

"I'm two."

Opening presents.

Best buddies.

Second stop:
Isabel Lee Richardson
Age 3
January 31st
6:00 pm

{I took pictures with my camera for Laurel at Isa's party... luckily, I was smart enough to change my settings back to "dummy standards" so they would turn out... check out the birthday cake. Laurel is amazing!}

Happy family and birthday cake--complete with Barbie.

I like these guys. Brad, Blaine, and my dad, Dave.

Back together again. I love these people. They really are my best friends.

Another cake picture. Isabel wanted Amanda in the picture with her.

Jenesse and Robby.
Love this couple.

Kaiya is one funny girl... she was jealous of all the Isabel attention, so I started taking pictures of her. She is such a little poser.

Now, that's a handsome boy.

Michelle and Kaiya.

The birthday girl in all her glory.

I had to put this picture on here to show off Laurel's handiwork. She made this crown for Isabel to wear on her big day. So adorable.

Here's the best present ever... Michelle and I got Isa this super-cool pop-up princess tent. I kind-of want one for me. I can just see myself going in there to drink my morning diet coke everyday.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010