Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Year Older and Wiser Too?

I don't really know about "wiser"... but I am another year older whether I like it or not.

That being said, it was a great weekend.

Saturday night Blaine and I got a babysitter for Jake, ate sushi at Tsunami (our favorite), then hit Hale Center Theater for Fiddler On The Roof. We got season tickets this year, and Fiddler marks our second show of the season. We are loving our elitist feelings of sophistication, and are trying hard to sound awesome and super cool about attending the theatre... This play is really incredible. I was so impressed with the cast's talent and the set. Seriously, if you are thinking about going--do it.

Sunday was also great... we had family over last night for cake and ice cream, and as usual we laughed and talked and ate and laughed and laughed all night.

The clip here is from the movie version of Fiddler. This is from the Tevye's dream scene. Some of you may know that I have said that if I die before Blaine and he tries to remarry, I'll come back from the grave to haunt him and his new wife like Fruma Sarah, the butcher's wife.

Check this out. She rocks.


  1. Um...this terrified me as a child!

  2. Ready for confessions of a theatre snob...I have never seen Fiddler on the Roof! I guess that disqualifies me as a "theatre snob!" ho hum. I loved Sunday! It was so much fun! Honestly, I can't even explain how excited I get to know we are all getting together! It makes me so happy and to have Brett there was just awesome! Um, why didn't we get asked to babysit for Sat night? I'm totally offended! :)How much did you pay your babysitter??? cause we're FREE!

  3. P.S. Frank says "woof, woof and woof woof woof..." which translated means Happy Birthday and thanks for being my Birthday buddy! (insert huge lick of your face here)

  4. Again, Happy Birthday! First you shared your big day with my grandmother Fredabelle, and then Frank. (Honestly, Frank is a lot more fun.) I am very jealous that you have Hale season tickets. It's just awesome.

  5. thanks for having us, it was fun. as usual!

  6. You are in your 30s and you are fabulous! I love you! Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you're feeling wiser, and not older! :)
