Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pirate Jake

Poor little man Jake had his first (and hopefully last) experience with stitches today. He had been playing with a couple of pots--banging them together--carrying them around--putting them on his head and calling them "hats".

Anyway, I had yet to put them away a little later, as they were still on the floor of the kitchen, and Jakey tripped while running and fell head-first on the edge of one of the pots.

At first, Blaine and I just thought, "Oh--poor guy fell again." Then, "Oh--he really must have hit his head, he's really sad." Then, (upon picking him up and getting ready to kiss it better)...
"Holy Hell!!--our kid split his head open!!"
He was screaming pretty good now...

So, we rushed him to the InstaCare, where they checked him out quickly in the waiting room, slapped some numbing goop on him and covered it up with gauze and tape. He was now pretty happy (see iphone picture above)... until we took him back to see the doctor.

I think he was mostly scared. I would be terrified too if I had to be held down and have a stranger sew my forehead shut with three stitches. Poor little boy.

He was very happy to leave and said, "All done. All done." and "Bye, bye." while sucking down a green Otter Pop.
Actually, I don't know who was more relieved at this point... him or us.

So anyway... we have a little pirate on our hands with a gash above his right eye that may or may not be permanent.

Oh well.
Chicks dig scars.


  1. Wish I could be there to kiss it better.

  2. poor little guy! I've always wondered if I would know that Eli needed stitches if something like that happened. Hopefully I never have to make that decision!

  3. I remembered when Haley had stitches at about Jake's age. I couldn't watch!

  4. Poor little dude!! And honestly, I think this just comes with the territory of having boys. At least that is what I am going to tell myself anyway, because I feel like I am in for some real doozies with Crew!!

    And yes, chicks dig scars! ;-)

  5. My favorite part of the story was "Holy Hell!" Poor kid. Glad he got all stitched up and looking happy now.

    Yeah, after Emery got stitched on her forehead I went to the store to buy Mederma. Then I saw how expensive it was so I almost didn't buy it. Then I thought, this is my child's face I shouldn't be cheap on this one. So I bought it and applied it maybe twice. I am lame. Good story, eh?

  6. poor guy! poor mom and dad, too. He'll get over it way faster than you guys do.

    and I bet it's only a temporary scar. I hear their first scars just fall off to make room for the new scars they get as teenagers. kinda like baby teeth.


  7. it sucks when your kid gets hurt, its just so sad...Jake is one tough guy. I like pirate Jake!

  8. Poor Jakey. (Said like Isabel circa 6 months ago.) I'm bummed we weren't able to come hang out with y'all yesterday, but I think I might actually be all rested up from our madness now! Love you and love Jakey.

  9. he was such a trooper! so cute and bless his little heart...all done all done..bye bye those were my favorite parts. btw I LOVE iceburg ice cream but it gives me the big i endulge when I need a good colon cleanse...tmi??? thanks for last night...i needed you! :)

  10. I am terrified of this! There are some things that are certain to happen like stitches and choking. Eva choked on food twice in one week. It wasn't too bad but it still freaked me out. Anyways, chicks do dig scars!

  11. I haven't blogged in FOREVER! How sad for Jake.
    Congrats on the baby girl! Girls are so fun. Although Summy is kind of like a third son. lol Perfect daughter for me. :)

  12. oh, poor little guy! You and I will have to share stitches stories next time we hang out. Glad all is well. Good job being so brave.

    Sad I missed you at girl's dinner - hope to talk to you soon.
