Monday, April 19, 2010


Gosh... I love this kid.

I feel like Jake and I are at this point where we are pals. I've always felt close to him, but lately it just feels like I'm less his "care-taker" and more his buddy.

He's my best little friend and I love hanging with him. I like to think we are a good team... and it's a little bit sad to me that things are going to change here for us.

Not that I can't wait to meet baby girl Carter. I'm just sad that it won't be just Jake and me anymore.

I don't doubt that I will love Sarah immediately or even that I will love her any less... but it's like I told Jakey while I was putting him to bed the other night...
I loved him first.


  1. Oh, he is cute. I know I say it every time, but seriously. I just love him.

    And I love the whole "I loved you first" thing. I'll have to share that with Isabel for sure! So sweet!

  2. I feel the exact same way about Crew! It's crazy how the closer and closer I get to delivering this little girl, I start freaking out about all those types of feelings with Crew. I am one emotional roller coaster!

    I love all the pics!

  3. Aw, Alicia, I know exactly how you feel! I felt so badly for James just before ELizabeth was born- because of how different life would be for him (yet he wasn't even 2!!!) However, it is just as exciting and special to see him in a new role- as big brother. And the relationship stays on, and even grows stronger. I had an (older) VTing friend explain that we love ALL of our kids equally, but there is something special about that first one;) Like you said- having loved him first. Lucky Jake to get a sister close in age to him.
    Dang pregnancy hormones not helping the situation- :)

  4. Its so fun watching him grow on your blog. Hopefully I'll officially get to meet him this summer :)

  5. He is so dang cute. I know it is so cliche but I truly felt like I loved my first even more after #2 was born, like my capacity grew. Laugh if you want at me but soon you will know what I mean. So excited for you.

  6. Alicia,

    It was so good to see you the other day at work. I wish we had more time to talk! Have a fabulous day!

  7. I love this post and I love that scar on is eyebrow. It is perfect.

  8. I know I will feel the same way, kind of sad the three of us will be a thing of the past. But it was so worth giving up the two of us. (though I still think fondly of the three years Brent and I had by ourselves.)

    cute kid, can't wait to see how cute Sarah will be!

  9. I love how you expressed this. I remember feeling so conflicted knowing #2 was coming. I knew I would love her, but felt a little loss at the same time.

    Even after all this time, "I loved you first" finally put words to what I was feeling - it wasn't "loss" but it WAS something.

    I can't wait to meet little Sarah!

  10. Your little guy is so cute! It is amazing how much love you have as a mother! I can't wait to see your little girl!

  11. Understandable. It's kind of just one of those things where you want it both ways.

    On another note...I was wondering if you'd go ahead and have Sarah now. I may have purchased her a little present and I am not very good at waiting :)

  12. I love it! It's so true. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!! If I would have voted, it would definitely be for chasing a toddler!! Yikes, thats the worst when you are ginormica!!
