Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not funny.

Apparently it's not as funny as I think it is to call Blaine at 1:00 AM while he is out of town, wake him up in a dead stupor, and tell him that I am "totally in labor".
I thought it was hilarious.


Jen Carter said...

HAHAHA Oh Alicia...Only you.

Jessie said...

I totally know what Grant would do if I did that to him......

He would probably throw up everywhere!

I love it Alicia! I may just have to try this one!

Christy said...

that's hilarious. I would freak Brian out if I did that. I never wake him up cuz he actually scares ME when I wake him up out of a dead stupor.

Danielle said...

PERFECT. So Funny.

Alifinale said...

Oh but it is funny. You are brilliant. I love it.

tammy said...

I like it!

Michelle said...

I'm already planning on doing the same thing to Brad.

Markelle said...

really? because I think that is a fantastic idea!

Stacy said...

I guess it's not SUPPOSED to be funny... but it is to me!

Tony and Whitney said...

I think it's hilarious!!!!!

Scott and Megan said...

Kind of like that one time you said Michael Jackson came to your house to use the bathroom.....ok ok, but his sister did!:) How come this can be funny and my April Fool's joke is not (except to me and Blaine)?

Jason (or sometimes Laurel) said...

I just chuckled out loud. I think that means it was funny. Maybe, what do I know.