Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not funny.

Apparently it's not as funny as I think it is to call Blaine at 1:00 AM while he is out of town, wake him up in a dead stupor, and tell him that I am "totally in labor".
I thought it was hilarious.


  1. I totally know what Grant would do if I did that to him......

    He would probably throw up everywhere!

    I love it Alicia! I may just have to try this one!

  2. that's hilarious. I would freak Brian out if I did that. I never wake him up cuz he actually scares ME when I wake him up out of a dead stupor.

  3. Oh but it is funny. You are brilliant. I love it.

  4. I'm already planning on doing the same thing to Brad.

  5. really? because I think that is a fantastic idea!

  6. I guess it's not SUPPOSED to be funny... but it is to me!

  7. Kind of like that one time you said Michael Jackson came to your house to use the bathroom.....ok ok, but his sister did!:) How come this can be funny and my April Fool's joke is not (except to me and Blaine)?

  8. I just chuckled out loud. I think that means it was funny. Maybe, what do I know.
