Saturday, June 12, 2010

This little Boy

This little boy, Jake is my best little pal. And, it's high time I spent some time on here cataloging some of his habits, quirks, talents, and smarts.

I know you all think you have the greatest kids ever, but you're wrong. I do. :) haha

Jake is just such a special little guy... He likes me okay, but he adores his daddy. I think he even thinks his sister is pretty cool. He gets very concerned about her when she cries, and has recently taken to giving "Saya" little treasures. I've found her binky, Jake's bendy straw, and even Mater shoved in her seat or swing.

He's pretty into Cars these days, but is starting to ask for Toy Story here and there as well. (Sometimes he'll even ask for Glee, much to his daddy's dismay.) The other day he was walking around chanting "Rusteeeze" (Lightning McQueen's sponsor) with perfect inflection.

Jake is really developing a fun sense of humor and personality. He has an infectious laugh that is just the most perfect little boy laugh you've ever heard. He's starting to recognize what's "funny" and will tell us who and what is "funny" often. He gets very excited about discovering things and shouts, "Oh boy!" when he shows things to you. It's one of my favorite things he says.

He's a daredevil about most things. He's always climbing on everything and pulling himself up where he really shouldn't be. The other night, he threw himself out of the crib because he was pretty upset he was in trouble and "grounded" from his "big boy bed". Yeah--he jumped to his freedom...guess we can't use the crib as punishment anymore.

He actually really likes his bed and enjoys reading books and saying prayers. He folds his arms, says "Amen", and sometimes pretends to pray too. It's pretty cute. I also love how much he loves books. He picks out books to read together and asks me to "read it!" for him. It's really exciting for me.

He's really starting to put sentences together... even more so since Sarah was born. I'm constantly amazed at what he can communicate and even more at what he retains and understands. He finishes phrases from books when I prompt him, he repeats everything, he even tries to sing songs back to me sometimes.

He is so much like Blaine in that he's always trying to figure things out--how they work. If he can take it apart, he will-- then he'll put it back together. He's really into sorting and putting things in containers (then taking them out again). He's a smarty. The other day I watched him pick up the itouch and unlock it by sliding his finger across the screen. He's such an observer. He watches and remembers everything we do so he can do it too.

He's not much of a cuddler or kisser but occasionally, he'll give me hug or a kiss and he loves getting kisses from Mama (even though sometimes he fights it... he's laughing the whole time).

I love his smile. I love the way his little eyes light up. He has my eyes (aside from the color)--even the fat rolly underneaths (what do you call that part) of the eyes that I have. I love his rosy cheeks, his bent ear, his full cheeks, his freckle on his back, his scraggly toenails, his Shrek hands (he gets these from me too), and his curly, unruly, dirty blonde hair. I used to think I couldn't wait until he got his dark hair so he would look more like us, but now I'm a little sad he's losing his blonde color--it's just so him.

I love his sweet voice. The way he calls me "Mama" and "Mommy". I love the way he can't say his "th" sound yet, and it always comes out as "f", (i.e. he says "baff" instead of "bath", and "fank oo" instead of "thank you"). I love how serious he gets when he is concentrating on something or playing with some toy. I love the way he runs everywhere and sometimes runs in place when he gets really excited. I love the way he jumps up and runs to the door when he knows his daddy is home.

I just love my boy. I'm so lucky to have him and I'm privileged to be his mom. I can't wait to see what he'll be like in a few years as an awkward 10-year-old and I'm dying to see Jakey as a teenager. He's a huge part of who I am these days... I know he's not perfect but he's perfect to me.

So, this is typically what my front window looks like... the blinds pulled up and all of Jake's cars lined up and ready to roll.

He's entertained here forever and I love it. I'm usually curled up on our crappy/wonderful red chair feeding baby Sarah and observing my little guy in heaven. I've always hoped Jake would love matchbox cars. I don't know why. There's just something about little boys carrying around and loving cars that is so boyish.

We watch A LOT of Cars (Disney) these days. Jake just can't get enough of the whole gang. At least these Pixars are smart and fun to watch for Blaine and me too.

By the way, who teaches them to crash them together and drop them off the banister and yell, "Woah! Did you see that???!!!" I didn't... but I adore it.


  1. so cute, I like the pictures of the cars in the window. We sure love that little guy too!

    I just wrote a post about my dude as well. Kinda made me laugh, we're both husband-less tonight(thank you btw!) writing about the loves of our lives.

    Here's to the Carter boys! cheers!

  2. I love everything about this post! Jake is such a stud, and you are such a good mommy to him and Sarah.

  3. oh it ok that I'm over here crying thinking that I would be saying the same sweet things about little Jake. We have such a soft spot in our hearts for him. Scott especially...I can hardly get any time with Jake because he's so enamored with "Scott!" and vice versa. You have raised a wonderful little boy and will continue to. I think you a wonderful mother and admire your skills ALL the time. He is a handsome, sweet, energetic little man. I love when your mom compares him to when Scott was a little boy. Adveturous, curious, busy, and a daredevil. Scott told me the other day that he likes to look at Jake beacause he imagines that our children would have looked like him. oh man, tears! Thank you for sharing him (and Sarah). Thanks you for letting me give him chocolate for him to drool on his shirt. Thank you for letting me give him my frosty to finish. Thank you for letting me get him out of his high chair whenever he says "Down!" or "UP!". It makes me feel so important and loved. I love this post and love you and love jake! xoxo

  4. I love this Alicia!

    I think that Crew and Jake would be good little buds!

  5. I thought you were coming over on Friday!!!! And Jake is super cute, even cuter now that I have met him.

  6. He is so darling! I just love that little guy! (And I LOVE your pictures!)

  7. He is a precious, perfect little boy. Who couldn't love Jake?

  8. Absolutely love the pictures.... still getting the hang of adding pics to my blogs
