Thursday, June 24, 2010

You know you're a mommy when...

You know you're a mommy when:

Most of your wardrobe comes from Target and Costco.

You feel lucky to get a shower before noon.

You consider the major food groups to include chicken nuggets, quesadillas, and pancakes.

You know all the words to at least two Pixar movies.

You are constantly translating your toddler's language for everyone around you... including your spouse.

You know the daily cartoon line-up of Nickelodeon and Disney... and have a very strong opinion as to which ones are funny.


  1. You are currently living in an awesome and unique universe!

  2. I spent the last little while catching up with you via your blog. You're amazing. You are a mommy and a fabulous one at that. Who would have thought 8 years ago that we'd be as happy as we are today? Amazing!

  3. Oh how I love this and 100% agree to it all. Good thing Target has some cute stuff. But you forgot one major food group, Mac-n-cheese.

  4. seriously. my entire wardrobe is from Target.
