Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful List Three

Although he is very good at being two sometimes, I love this little boy more than I know how to say. He is so smart, active, sensitive, and adorable. He's already a great big brother and his little singing voice melts my heart.

My girl is so sweet. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but she is the best baby ever. She lights up our home and is getting too old too fast. She loves to sit, eat, smile, and laugh at her brother. Nobody can make her laugh like Jake can, and I love that... I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am so thankful Blaine has a good job that he LOVES.

I've always loved music... for as long as I can remember.
Music was a big part of our home growing up, and I think it instilled a great appreciation of all kinds of music. (Thanks, Mom!) From The Beatles to Vivaldi... music feeds my soul.

I know this sounds weird, but I love apples. They are the best fruit bar-none. You can take them anywhere and they are so easy to eat. Nothing beats a Honeycrisp or a Pink Lady. Yum.

I am lucky to have a long list of girlfriends.
Girlfriends that I can call on for anything anytime.
Now THAT'S a blessing.

Little Toy Cars
These are Jake's favorite toys.
He will seriously play with them forever and they are so easy to take on vacation.

My Parents And Their Example To Me
(Yes, this means Steve and Chris too)
My folks are amazing. They have an incredible relationship that is an example to many.
Thank you for blessing me with an acute appreciation of what it means to be loved. It's because of my parents that I was able to recognize true love and respect in Blaine.

Melody Makers
Even if some of the songs are so silly they seem made up, Jake and Sarah love them and I love it.

Bless you, Pixar. Thanks to you, my kid has a plethora of non-princess options to watch.
And I don't want to stab out my eyes while watching them too.

Tech Geek
This one's kind-of all-encompassing...
First of all, I am grateful to be married to such a tech geek. He has made our house much more sophisticated and impossible for me to understand. And I love him for it.
I also am grateful for my favorite tech things: my phone, my laptop, and my camera.

Oh, Windex. You are the greatest all-purpose cleaner ever.

1 comment:

  1. As always, I love your lists. Apples, the ocean, Melody Makers... each item made me smile. It is easy to be a parent when loving a child as appreciative as you. Thanks.
