Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things to get through the gloom of January through March:

  • Five-year anniversary
  • Celebrating five-year anniversary with a little getaway
  • Vacation to Arizona with my mom to visit Nannie
  • Fresh flowers in the kitchen
  • Eating Arizona oranges picked from Nannie's tree
  • Receiving the oranges package I sent myself from Arizona
  • Keeping Christmas cards up on the pantry door
  • Beginning (and sticking to) an early-morning exercise routine
  • Play-dates with neighbors
  • Tax return checks
  • New kitchen table and chairs
  • Planning new colors for kitchen cabinets
  • Valentines Day
  • My birthday
  • Opening and wearing my cute red-orange raincoat
  • Spending lots of time with friends and family
  • Experimenting with new, yummy recipes
  • A new hair-do 
  • Easter
  • Spring fashion
  • Soaking up cooler temperatures before the Summer heat wave
  • Drinking a lot of Diet Coke


  1. Um...what about getting a new nephew in March? Geeze. ;)

  2. Jen... I just knew that would be brought up. :)

  3. Loved this post! How 'bouts you add a visit to AL on that bullet-point list? Call me. Or email. Or Facebook.

  4. Kind of want to see pics of this new hair do!

  5. love the list, but you missed play dates with sister in law...also thanks for rubbing in the whole oranges thing. I'm totally feeling the January gloom too.

  6. Wait, did you say you were trying out new recipes??

  7. A trip to Az? So glad you got to do that. Looking forward to pictures of it and of your new do.
    Oh, and sorry, but Easter isn't until the END of April this year (what???)

  8. So I'm not the only one with Christmas cards still up, eh? And I LOVE that you mailed yourself a box of Nannie's oranges!!! I'm actually quite jealous. ;-) Love you!

  9. Sounds like you will make it through the winter gloom no problem.

    And cheers to downing lots of diet cokes! :)

  10. I LOVE this post!!! And we better be on that "Play-dates with Neighbors" list!


  11. oh Alicia...I can count on you to cheer me up!!! January and February blowwwwwww!!! I have had to give myself a pep talk almost every day. Vegas (your Arizona) was a wonderful break and really helped...65 degrees does not suck, but now I'm having a hard time bouncing back! I need an Alicia fix, that will help! xo
