Friday, February 11, 2011


I am going through and organizing some older pictures in an attempt to begin what I'm calling, "The Great Photobook Project of 2011", and I've realized something about myself: I used to either A) be a lot more vain than I am now, or B) be much better looking than I am now. I'm guessing that both are true, because there are far more pictures of myself from my past than there are in my present. Sure, I can say that it's because I am always the one behind the camera now, but that's been the case for my entire adult life. I always had my camera on me (35 mm, baby!)... Hmmmm.

P.S. What in the world was wrong with me that I used to think I looked fat in this picture? Ugh. To fit into those jeans again right now. *sigh* ... And have that flat tummy again. *double sigh*

San Fransisco, 2005


  1. Yes, you looked great. But you still look great, and now you have 2 adorable kids in exchange for a less-than-flat stomach. Pretty good exchange, I'd say:)

  2. You look hot!! I find pictures of myself like that sometimes and I have considered posting them on my fridge and in the pantry so I will think twice about my snacks....

  3. You are HOT! now and then. The end.

  4. For real. What WAS wrong with you??? You look amazing!!!!! And I think its great that you have so many pictures of yourself. I could go online if I wanted and find a shot of that church just like this one, but you have one WITH you in it! Way cooler and more fun. I likey.

  5. We were all ridiculous when we were younger, not realizing how great we looked and we should have enjoyed it rather than loathed ourselves. Boo.

    There was actually a time I was 135 pounds and thought I was fat. 135!!! Ha! Dummy.

    And when we're 50, we'll be wishing we looked 30 again.

    Regardless, I still think you're one hot mama.

  6. Oh man, that trip was so much fun!

    And I think it's better to have photos of just you. I can't tell you how many awkward squishy-faced BFF photos I have with people I don't care that much about anymore. You don't want your old friends or boyfriends overtaking your photo albums. They're YOUR pictures; that's what makes them great.

    By the way, have you seen your Christmas card? You are still hot.

  7. You are still hot! Let's go to San Fran! I haven't been there for forever.

  8. You are still purdy! I could post a picture of myself from jr high if you would like. That would cure anyones case of the self loathing.

  9. Ahhhh. . .I think the same thing. . .a lot! I can't believe I think I'm fat in some of the past pictures of me.
