Monday, March 14, 2011

Clapping and Peek-a-Boo

This little girl is ten months old and loving it. {So are we, actually.}

She loves to clap and really gets a kick out us cheering her on. She has an adorable little show-off smile that is killer.

She's also started playing a little peek-a-boo with us. She isn't always spot-on with her hand placement and will sometimes just end up smashing her little cheeks or forehead, but it is always the cutest trick ever.

It's so fun watching her hit her milestones. They are so different from Jake's--which is kind of fun.
Gosh, we love this little girl.


  1. Our kids ARE copying each other!

    So much fun! I was just thinking the same thing about Crew and Sloan's milestones being SO different! I don't know if it's a boy-girl thing, or a 1st child or 2nd child thing.

    Oh Sarah, can you come play with Sloan? You are just too cute!

  2. She is seriously BEAUTIFUL. Like jaw-on-the-floor cute. Good work guys! :)

  3. Can Jake and Sarah come to my house to play?

  4. My favorite age ever! Enjoy it! :) She's a doll!
