Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Backyardigans

The last couple days have been beautiful around here. We've visited friends, played at the playground, gone on walks, and hung out in the backyard. We even pulled the winter tarp off the sandbox, bike, and Jeep. Life has been good. (And, yes... I know it's supposed to snow later. Ugh.)

We've never even seen "The Backyardigans"... I just thought it would make a good title for the backyard photo session.

Eating goldfish or "fishies", as we call them around here.

Venturing off the blanket.
~Watch out for the voles.~

Showing me the grass.

Hooray for chubby legs!

"Sooo biiig!"

Excited about the leaves left over from the Fall.

Eating the leaves left over from the Fall.

Funny, happy girl.

Love those lashes.

Jake wasn't too interested in taking pictures...

But with the promise of Swedish Fish, he summoned a smile for me.

Swiping Jake's apple.

Check out that cheeser.

She's so good at it, I thought you might like to see it again.

Let's hope next week's weather is just as nice.


  1. Apparently Doug was still signed in...above comment is from me, though I know Doug loves them too:)

  2. The weather has been wonderful! looks like you guys are having fun, and I love Sarah's new jumper.

  3. wait, wait, haven't seen the backyardagins?! WHY! I love them.

    Sarah's legs are to die for. I would nibble them along with her neck which I've already told you how I feel about that.

  4. I can't believe how big they are getting!

  5. Once again, can I come play too?

  6. How cute! And I agree with Becca, we love the Backyardagins at our house it is a cute show, you should watch it and see! :)

  7. Ummm... When, exactly did your son start looking like a little boy??? What is happening? And once again, I love love love your pictures of your perfect children. :-)

  8. I adore your photo shoots - and your kiddos! Precious.

  9. Love the SOOO BIG and cheeser pix! Glad you had some sun to enjoy!!!

  10. Ok, first of all, you DO need to make it a priority to check-out the Backyardigans. Their songs and dance moves alone are well worth the effort. Second of all, where did you find those stinkin cute socks that Sarah has on? I've been interested in finding some for my Sadie. Really. Third of all, amazing pictures!! Those are some beautiful children:)

  11. I love all of these pictures. So beautiful and I love seeing the kiddos with their natural personalities. I think these pictures of any, have given me a better idea of Sarah and her personality. You have some seriously dang cute kids.

  12. So adorable!

    And you're not missing out on much by not seeing the Backyardigans. :)

  13. Those are some killer shots!! How fun for the little ones! Please mother nature be nice to us. I agree with Laurel, Jake looks like a full-on little boy in a couple of those shots and it kinda freaked me out. Sarah's cheeser is worth repeating!

  14. I love Sarah's little jumper. I'd rock that if I could! :)
