Sunday, May 8, 2011

Disney World! {Saturday... the end}

We decided to spend our last day "eating around the world" (literally) at Epcot. If you know us Carters, you know how much we value our Disney meals and treats... and Epcot offers nothing but the best.

Here we are at "It's a Cool World", where we got to try out popular soft drinks from around the world.
Most were too sweet and sugary, but I loved Germany's and Israel's best.

We got jakey these Mickey sunglasses. I think it's pretty safe to say he loves them. {As do I}

More live sculptures.

Ah, Epcot. Pretty, 'eh?

O Canada!

I thought this was funny.

Dancing Cinderella and her prince.

Headed in to Paris, France... where we ate some killer pastries. 
Seriously--so good.


Love my boys.

A street performer in Paris.

And, of course we had to prove to Steve and Chris how good Morocco's food was too. {It was.}


America: the red, white and blue.

Jake and Sarah playing peek-a-boo in the stroller.

A little Italy.

We had some yummy gelato here.

Between Italy and Germany, there was quite the model train set. Jake was in heaven. He could have stayed here the rest of the day. We had to drag him away kicking and screaming.

Check out the Rapunzel tower in the background.

The most impressive thing about this was that all the little tiny trees and foliage were really trimmed-up manicured bushes and plants.

"Look right there, Mommy. Here come's the train through the tunnel."


We all had some rice cream here and went on a pretty cool ride here called Maelstrom.
{Jake took this picture, by the way.}

I think I would really love to actually see Norway for real someday.
My dad's father was full-Norwegian.
{Actually, Steve is half Norwegian as well.}

 Messing around with the giant troll inside one of the Norwegian shops.

Little Viking.

Playing with my funny, smart, beautiful boy.

Best. Bratwurst. Ever.
{Both of them.}

 Mexico was our last stop.
We didn't eat here... but we did go on the Three Caballeros ride--which was cute.

This was hilarious. We had to take turns going on Test Track {which was wicked-cool} with Steve and Chris... Blaine and I went first, and when we came out we found Nona and Poppy apologizing profusely for two sopping-wet little kiddos. It was so funny and we sooooo didn't care. Jake and Sarah were so happy to be able to cool off. I was tempted to roll around on the splash-pad too.

See... looks fun, right?

A look at the inside of our awesome hotel. We took a little breather before we took a night-walk along Disney's Boardwalk.

The boardwalk was my very favorite part of my Disneyworld trip when I was in high school. It totally wasn't this time around. But, thanks anyway Carter family for placating me.

So... needless to say, we LOVED Disney World.
And we really hope we get to go back someday. :)


  1. I just have to say that I'm glad this is "the end" of your trip posts...much more and I'd have to go out and book a trip regardless of what my saving's account says right now.

    WDW is so absolutely fabulous and you guys got some great pictures and stories. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Okay, so I am thinking I need to go to DisneyWorld. This all looks so awesome! Mmm....the food.....oh the food....

    Overall, Disney World, or Disneyland?

  3. If you weren't such a good photographer, I would've said you should hire me next time for the Disney Vacation Photo package! :) Glad you guys had such a good time. Love it!

  4. I am so happy that you had such a fun trip and I can't even tell you how envious I am. Seriously, I love Disneyworld. I love Epcot so much and I love that you ate at all those countries. Man, I want to go there but living through your pictures will have to do for now. What a fabulous trip!!

  5. Who needs to travel the world when you can visit Florida instead? I'm so glad you had such a fantastic vacation. The pictures are awesome.

  6. Beetween Epcot and Vegas, we never have to leave America again! I love these pictures and I'm glad you had such a good time. I'll join you next time.

  7. You make me totally Disney-hungry! What an AMAZING trip!
