Monday, July 18, 2011

The Potty Train


  1. I was just thinking about this last night. I want to know how its going. Yay for Jakey and his big boy pants!

  2. That is a cool poster! You did some creative artistic stuff there, dude!!! He's getting so big!

  3. That is such a cute idea! I need to do something like this for Sawyer, I have a kinda boring chart with stickers of he and Sadie and this would be cute for him, as we are on round two trying to get him interested again!

  4. I feel like a pedophile for saying this but there is something ADORABLE about little boys in their underwear. Jake is doing such a great job with potty "train"ing! Way to go Alicia and Blaine!

  5. I love These is my Words! How do you like it?

  6. theres nothing cuter than little boy undies! I can say that though because I have boys right?!

  7. So cute! We've been trying with Jack, but when it comes time to sit on the potty, he stiffens up and won't sit down. Ugh . . .I guess we will just put it off until next summer. . .

  8. Awesome! Want to come train Sage next. I hate it so much.
