Thursday, July 7, 2011

Washington and Back

Way back in June we went to Washington with the Walkers. We crammed all eight of us into Michelle and Brad's Sequoia {that's four adults and four kids} for the long haul to the Great Northwest. It was crowded and fun and totally worth it. Michelle said she would do it again and I would too. {As long as I don't have to be pregnant... because that would suuuucck.}

Kind of a funny first picture, but this is Jake telling me to get out of my mom's car. I guess he didn't like me taking his picture out of the sunroof. We were on our way out to go to lunch with the girls and Jake came out dressed in this little sweater. I fished some warm clothes out of my parents' cedar chest so the kids could go to the park with the dads without freezing. Apparently, this sweater was worn by all three of my brothers at one time or another. My mom began to cry like a little girl and so I snapped a picture for nostalgia's sake.

Jake and Kaiya holding hands. Cute. Kaiya is wearing Michelle's old America sweater.

And here's Sarah wearing Matty's {I think} duckie sweater. She tries so hard to be a big kid.

While out to lunch, we came across Herbie. For real. Herbie.

I don't know why we think this kind of crap is still funny, but it totally is.

Food coloring in the bath to make it more awesome is sheer genius.

We went to a park down by the boat launch for funsies one day.

Gosh, I love these two.

I couldn't decide which of these tire pictures not to post... so I posted them all.

Cute, right?


Kaiya was already sitting on this rock when I walked up to her and asked her if I could take her picture. She threw her arms up in the air and shouted, "Yeah!!! On this rock!!!"

Spring Break!


Walking on the dock.

Checking out the boat launch.

This picture is fuzzy but Michelle is pretty.

Sarah looks like Sloth.

This is stolen from Michelle... here's Jake and me tubing on the lake.
He was hilarious. He liked it, but got a little nervous when my dad went fast. He'd wave at Blaine really quick so he could hold on again as fast as possible. It was pretty cute.

Kaiya and Michelle having their turn.

My mom held both the babies on her lap. Ben loved the breeze and Sarah loved getting fed the Red Vines.

Watching Brad jump into Blaine's outstretched arms, then roll around giggling on "Big Momma", may have been the highlight of my entire trip.

Blaine and Brad both swear that my dad was trying to kill them. I promise that he wasn't.

I went ahead and omitted the mooning picture for all two of the people still reading this post.

Once we slowed down, Big Momma realized she was leaking air and decided to go under... so did Blaine and Brad. It was awesome.

I love my dad.

Eating chips and salsa with PopPop.

Oh, this Benny is a doll.

Me playing with Ben and the leaves out in front of the house. While we were there, my parents got a pretty, new porch and we were there admiring the progress.

Blowing bubbles on the back deck. I don't know why Kaiya looks so sad and Jake looks so happy.

While we were up there, we also celebrated Michelle's birthday.

Birthday girl.

Opening presents.

Sarah girl.

Helping to blow out Michelle's candles.

Sarah took to Michelle's birthday card that sang, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". I can't blame her.

So cute.

On the way home.
This was my view.

And this. :)


  1. i read so far hoping for a mooning picture! Next time take me with you!!!

  2. WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! Come back any time, any way you can.

  3. How fun. I know what it's like to roll full car on road trips. But 8! We max out at 7 per SUV.

    and the throwback sweater party. So cool that your mom kept those.

  4. I wanna go to Washington! Can I crash the fam trip next time? =)
    And thanks for the deleting of the neked bum pics-don't think I want to see that!

  5. looked so fun. and the boating? I miss that...

    all you all are troopers for sure!

  6. Still impressed you ALL rode together. I imagine it was more fun than not... Jealous of the boating party! Stop by next time, even if it's just for a few hours of sleep. We need to play...

  7. What a great trip! I LOVE your posts with all of the pictures...

  8. So fun!

    Washington looks so beautiful. I've never been. :(

    And the boating looks like a total blast. And It must have been, if there was mooning involved. Get that party started!
