Monday, August 8, 2011

Wheeler with the Ward

Friday night was our ward activity at Wheeler Farm. Of course, I didn't bust out the camera until our "nature walk" but these are worth posting anyway.

It's weird to me that this might be our last ward activity in Taylorsville. Okay, so we aren't always the best "joiners" when it comes to ward activities, but we plan to be in our new ward in Herriman. 

That's right--new house, new neighborhood, new ward. 
We are so excited.

Now, we just need a renter for our townhome. Any takers?

I love that Jake's hot dog is still on his little face.

Checking out the ducks.

Blaine and I laughed out loud when we saw this picture of Sarah girl. This "excited face" she pulls is new. I love it so much.



  1. How fun, that's where we had our family pictures done. That's exciting you are moving to a new place. My sister lives in Herriman. Where abouts is your new house?

  2. I'm so glad it all worked out with the house! yippee!!

    btw, I like the new pictures of the kiddos on your sidebar.

  3. Wheeler is pretty cool. We did a 5K there a couple of months ago. Man...I can't wait to have bbq's on your sweet new deck. House warming party?

  4. congrats on the new place! good luck moving and finding a renter. i should rent your townhouse so i can come visit utah whenever i want.

  5. New stomping grounds huh? That is fabulous - cause you will be that much closer to me. Let the playdates begin. Your little munchkins are so darn cute. I'll call you to get all the details of the move.

  6. Alicia, what lense did you use to shoot all of these?
