Sunday, October 2, 2011

California Dreamin'... Disneyland.

I've said it before and I'll say it again-- Disneyland really is the happiest place on Earth. For real. Last year, my Disneyland experience pulled me out of Post-Postpartum-Depression. I'm so serious. Disney is magic for the soul... or they put some hypnotic drug in their air there. Either way, I love love love it. And will continue to fork my money over to them in lieu of college funds for my children.

This year we were just in time for Disney's Halloween themed park. I've always wanted to do Disneyland during this time of year. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. The Haunted Mansion/Nightmare Before Christmas was amazing, and Space Mountain/Space Ghost (my favorite ride, by the way) was killer.

Now there's a happy pumpkin.

Gotta love the Main Street wooden Indian.

The Dapper Dans' four-seater bicycle.

There--matching hats. That's better.

There they are... singing "Lida Rose".


"Hey you guys!'
At least she was tall enough to drive the cars with Mommy.

Markelle is right: seeing your kid's name on their Mickey ears is just so adorable.

Just waiting to go on Autopia.

Sarah was a perfect child during this ride. She was very serious and I tried to get pictures of her.
It didn't work out very well.

No good again. Still kind of cute.

I love this little girl of mine.

Too bad Jake had no idea how much he wouldn't like The Matterhorn. Worth it.

Oh, Mint Julep. You have my heart.

I didn't eat this. But I wanted to.

This, too.

I know we are bad parents, but this picture is just so awesome. Jake is still talking about how "Splash Mountain is too fast", but loves the theme song. I just hope that one day he actually digs this ride.

Katrina and company came to Disneyland our first night in the park for dinner. It was so awesome to hang out and visit with her, Jeff, and their boys. Seriously, I have really missed this friend of mine.
Plus, the all-you-can-eat barbecue was killer. 

Jeff and Christian.

Me, Katrina, and Preston.
My other highlight with the Kirks was getting to ride Big Thunder Mountain with Katrina. We talked the workers to allow us on the last ride of the night.  
I loved riding Big Thunder at night. It really was "the wildest ride in the wilderness".

 Here we are: the beginning of day two.
We tried to get to the park a little early to make the shorter lines for some of the Fantasyland rides.

On the way in, we saw this little girl... dressed up in cowboy boots, a Belle dress, and a Peter Pan hat to boot.

Picture-taking with Walt and Mickey.

This is a terrible picture (from my phone), but this pumpkin muffin was delicious.
{I should have taken pictures of all the food I love in Disneyland and done an entire post on food alone.}

Riding the carousel.

This one is just hilarious.

We spent a good part of the day in California Adventure.
Jake even got to ride Soarin' Over California.
Best. Ride. Ever.

Funny that Mickey and I are wearing matching outfits.

I love that Sarah is touching Mickey's face here.

Cute Jack.

Again, with the castle. :)

Waiting for Casey Jr.

Jake has been crazy about Dumbo ever since riding this little train.

Oh, I love this little face.

That is MY boy.

The Haunted Mansion's transformation was incredible.

Waiting in line with Sean.

And Doug and Jen.

Jake's favorite part of Disneyworld was the Monorail. He hasn't stopped talking abut it since April.
When we told him Disneyland had one too, he was stoked.
Blaine, Steve, Brent, and Jack all rode the Monorail together... Jake was in heaven. Especially when the conductor let him sit in the "captain's chair" and let him wear his hat.

I love that you can sense how important he knows he is.

We made a special trip over to Tom Sawyer's island. It was a boy's paradise... I can't believe I had never been there before.

Counting up their gold doubloons.

I think that Jakey took this one. 

We settled down to eat at The Plaza on Main Street just in time for the evening parade. It was awesome.

Don't let this solemn face fool you... Sarah loved every second of the parade. She was so cute about it--she'd watch, then swing around excitedly to squeal at us with her hands up next to her face.

It was a perfect last evening in the park. The kids were happy, and we were tired but happy too.
I may or may not be already plotting out next Disneyland excursion.


  1. I love your picture-filled posts. I feel like I was there with you! What a great trip - It really is magical there!

  2. so fantastic. one of these days, I WILL meet you guys down there. seeing this made me happy :)

  3. Glad we got to see you too! Christian is KILLING his corn on the cob in that pic. Ha Ha!

    Happiest place on earth FO SHO!

  4. Disney really is the happiest place on earth! So glad you guys had fun.

    I wish Crew would of been tall enough for Soarin when we went, because I know he would be now. :( We went a few months too early I guess. I love that ride!

    word verification: laters


  5. Love it. I think my favorite picture of the entire thing is the one of Sarah yelling. Only like...340 something more days til next time????

  6. I love all of these pictures! It has made me long for Disneyland! I was there last year and I think I will have to go again! Thanks! And can we go together sometime. Imagine the powerhouse that would be!

  7. We might get kicked out if we go. It will be too much for Disney to handle!

  8. Gosh you got some good shots! I particularly love the vintage Disney sign, kiddos in mickey ears, and your fam in front of the castle. why in good hell have never done that?!

    Let's go back!
