Monday, October 31, 2011

It's official. Officially.

Aside for the floors needing cleaning and a couple more random loads, we are officially moved out of our first home and into our last (hopefully). If I have to move again before retirement, I'll... I don't know what. :)

Anyway, we love our new digs. We miss our friends (a lot) but we are excited about making new ones, too. Our new ward is huge with four nurseries and over 250 kids in Primary. Ours aren't the noisiest kids in Sacrament anymore. Hooray!

The wonderful family that is renting our townhome is set to move in the 7th. I'm excited to meet them.

Today is Halloween and we are super-pumped to trick-or-treat at Daddy's work, then again tonight in our new neighborhood and at Grandma Molly's house too.

We've been pretty busy lately... I'll try to catch up the blog soon.

As for today, Happy Halloween!


  1. Yay! am I totally out of the loop? did you guys buy a house? Where did you move to? I'm so glad you got out of there. You were so ready!

  2. Herriman.
    We love it and are recruiting everyone we know.

  3. congrats on the move.

    happy halloween!

  4. Hooray!
    Happy Halloween.
    Happy new house. Can't wait to see the pictures - or in person.

  5. It isn't fun to move OUT of a house but it is fun to move INTO one! I love figuring out where everything goes best. I love feeling organized. I love how everything is clean and has its place. I love the beginning of a new adventure. I love that you can take the happy memories from your old home and add them to the new ones you will be making soon. Congratulations! We'll see you in a few weeks.

  6. congrats! this is exciting news! yeah! i cannot believe the number of children in your ward is so high! crazy!

  7. yahooo! Congrats, yes! And moving blows, yes! I'm half tempted to stay in our sugar shack forever just so we never have to put one mroe thing into another damn box again!

  8. Yea for new houses. Good luck getting settled and unpacking :)

  9. We love your new home, and are excited for you guys!
