Saturday, January 21, 2012

Arizona Love

Last year's January Arizona trip was so great, we decided to do it again. Michelle and I loaded up all four kiddos in the car and headed south to the land of delicious citrus, palm trees and warm weather. We loved it... but mostly we loved visiting with our Kempton cousins and hanging out with Nannie and Mom. I love this new tradition and am already scheming to get down there again soon.

Cindy (holding baby Reid), Kate, and Lily.

I had some serious flash-backs of my childhood when Lily and Maddie called everyone in to the family room for a "talent show". Once we were all in Maddie thanked us all for coming, then Lily led them in a choreographed dance. It was so awesome and brought back so many memories of us as little girls.

Jakey in Nannie's Snuggie... all cozy and ready to watch a movie.

Sarah wanted to join in too.

I really sucked it up at taking enough pictures of the whole trip, but at least brought my camera to the park where we played with LaChae and her kids for the day.
This may have been our kids' favorite part of the whole trip.
Here's Sarah trying so hard to be big on Kate's princess scooter.

I love that LaChae's girls will always pose for me. Lily kills me.

Michelle helping Kaiya down the hill.

LaChae, Wyatt, Nannie, Ben, and Mom.
Eating pizza and snacks.

Little Benny.


Jake and Lily playing in the sand.



A sad Kaiya... Don't eat the sand! :)


I saved the best for last. This girl is hilarious.

Arizona-- I love you. I hope to be back soon.


  1. Thank you for joining me in Arizona! Thank you for loving my mom. Thank you for that last fantastic photo of Kaiya's bum.

  2. That all looks like SO MUCH FUN! I love Arizona when Utah is blah! I love the Nanster! I'm sure this visit was absolutely delightful for her! Please tell me you are enjoying the oranges and grapefruits from her tree!!!!:)

  3. So fun. And look at LaChae! Aw miss you girls.

  4. Yeah 4 Arizona Kemptons!!! Loved seeing pictures of them all. And aunt Donna's couch. And your mom. You guys should come north next time!
    p.s. someone called me last week and I totally thought it was you for the first full minute of the conversation. embarrassing...
