Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year's Eve

We threw a little New Year's shindig this year. It was supposed to coincide with our big basement kick-off, but alas-- we are still awaiting that happy day.

Anyway, it was really fun to have both our families to celebrate the new year.
Actually, we did a fake countdown for 2012 at about 9:30 pm.
Hey-- kids (and parents) have gotta sleep, right?

And yes, we did have some yummy food (if I do say so myself): Martha Stewert's Mac & Cheese, mini Monte-Cristo sandwiches, queso, green-chili dip, Markelle's won-ton salad, home-made chocolate mousse, and s'more bites. Yum!

Blaine and his hand-made balloon drop. :)

Can you feel the anticipation??

I love these little faces.

Oh, what fun and amazement.

Jen, Doug, and Van.

With some fake smiles.

Michelle and the girls.

Markelle and Brent were actually in the middle of a very heated game of balloon toss...

Robyn and Brett being photo-bombed by Michelle.

This is as things were winding down... Kaiya was intent on holding hands with both Jake and Scott while watching Tangled.

I really wish I had some pictures of the Carter boys remembering their golden days of stake dance moves and grooves. Hilarious. We turned on the tunes and let the memories flood over us. I wish I had video.
Happy New Year!


  1. Okay, first... I'm in love with your house. I told Brian I'd move to Utah if he bought me a house like yours... and that's saying something cuz I'm a California girl. (And if you guys are still there. I need some amazing party friends if we moved there). I love Blaine's makeshift balloon drop.. might steal that one too. Did I write "still" in my last comment? Oh gosh, I hope not but I'm too lazy to go check. So glad you guys had a great New Year's! Yummy food too. We gotta party sometime.

  2. That was fun. Even though there is no documentation of me being there, I sure was, cause I am scarred for life by the awesome reenactment of Stake dances or yor. Brent had some serious gyrating hips! LMAO!!

  3. Looks like fun was had by all! And from what I can see of your house, it's beautiful! You should post some other pics of it, I would love to see it!

  4. What a fun new years!!! Hope it's a great year for you guys! xoxo
