Thursday, March 8, 2012


This product saved the world yesterday. Thanks to my mother, the Queen of Stains, {who told me about this}, my toilets and shower are sparkling clean with NO signs of hard water stains... Because even with our much too expensive soft water system, the damage was already there. I thought I had tried everything but this stick is a miracle-worker, and costs less than two dollars at Wal-Mart. A.MAZE.ING.
One more thing... use some gloves or do this a few times afterward. Actually, do this afterward anyway. The effect is heaven.


  1. Alright then. I'm getting it next time I'm at wal mart. I really wish we had a softener too...

  2. Good to know, I'll add it to my list. Along with Glycerin... I have been wanting to make "good" bubbles for a long time. What does your mom say about getting crayon out of a new white coat?

  3. That is intriguing. I'm gonna have to get me some when I go to the states next. I love the massage with sugar and olive oil. I'm totally gonna do it!

  4. Like most awesome cleaning tips, this one was passed along to me by a friend. She was talking about teaching her missionary son the proper way to clean a toilet and assumed that I knew what a scouring stick was. My face said "of course!" but my mind was already racing ahead to my new purchase.
