Sunday, March 25, 2012


25% off has had me busy with Blurb again. This stuff is addicting.


  1. I need to just commit and finish my blog books! I slurped my blog a while back and started working on it, and for whatever reason never finished. I suck. this however makes me want to get after it again!

    so fun that you guys are going to disneyworld! I'm sure you guys will be going at a much better time of year than we was SO BUSY when we were there. A lot of people were on spring break though....

  2. You're so good! I've got to get on that....

  3. I've been blog stalking for awhile and love seeing your fun stories and pictures :)

    Can you transfer your blog right over (without having to manipulate it much) or do you have to build your book from scratch?

  4. Kristin
    These are actually photo books. I have done my blog too, but it's a lot harder. You have to "slurp" it over, but it's tricky with Blogger. At least it was when I did it last. Maybe they have updated their system. Anyway, I had to copy my blog to wordpress, then "slurp" it from there. I have checked out other blog-to-book sites as well, but they didn't allow me the same freedom or artistic control (or good price!) that Blurb did.
    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  5. oh man, i really need to do that. 5 years worth of blogging. oy.
