Thursday, August 2, 2012

Instagram Recap

I am a big hater of Picasa today... I can't get this lame collage thing to work to save my life. That being said--it's high time I updated this sad blog-o-mine and my Instagram pictures are the best way I know how. These tiny pictures are a little pathetic... but then again, trying to make this work in my current state is equally pathetic. So, here we go.

Little Mommy * Jake's so cool he's gotta wear shades (at Nona's pool in NM) * Freaky Alfie * NM drivin' * Doug and Sean's latest pool game * Sarah on the 4th * Sleeping Sarah on the family room floor

My new haircut and color * Sarah Sweetheart * Two hats, Two purses, no pants * Jake on the 4th * Elise lost her tooth! * Snacks, naps, and Sex and the City * Hair with Jen Scott 

Chills * Strater Hotel in Durango * Cousins and popsicles *  Cousins and Play dough * Sarah walking the plank * Star Wars movie night * Little gardener 

Red Robin * Waiting for Daddy to come home * Riding the kid train * Red Maple Chinese * Chili's "All Done, Me!" * Swinging at Molly's * Our Temple 

Honey-Lime Chicken Enchiladas * Walker kids sick with the PLAGUE * NM drivin' * Sarah loving on cousin baby Emma * Procrastination * The "before picture" * Guilty pleasures

Jake and his Star Blanket * Movie night in the basement * Sarah's princess shoes * Jake's new ipad accessory * Hill Aerospace Museum * Digging for Treasure in Molly's sandbox * Mantle

Little boy Matt who looks a lot like Jake * 24th fireworks on Tangle Hill * Doug and Sean's pool festivities * Lunch at home * Kid position * Kaiya's dance recital * Pool time with the Hadleys

My little Tech Geeks * More NM pool party * Horsey Rides * Costco hot dogs * Sarah and her three suckers * Watering with Nona * "Don't tip the can!"

Si Senior's chips n' salsa * New road! * Cousin time with Kemptons * bath * Happy Birthday, Blaine * Stormy in New Mexico * My everyday uniform

Twins * Watermelon * Van sneaking candy at the park * Best. Syrup. Ever. * Red Iguana * Otter-Poppin' on the porch * IKEA with Alison

Meatballs with Alison * Annie and Zoe playdate * Door-stop * repeats...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. It has been a crazy summer for all of us but I still like to check out the Lee family blogs now and then. Love, love, love you.
