Saturday, February 9, 2013

Photo Shoot

So I took some pictures of my kiddos for our annual Valentine I send out. If you are reading this (does anyone?), you most likely get one in the mail and will be seeing three of my favorites soon. Yes, I know the image on the card (of the two of them together) is stretched. I was just too lazy to fix it. Oh well. It looks great here (see directly below) and will hopefully print great for my wall.
Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the way these all turned out. Some are blurrier than others and, as always, I've posted waaaaaayyy too many... but the kids were having fun and their little faces are priceless in some of these. 
I swear, when I'm not being a terrible mother, I have awesome kids.
Here's the proof:


  1. hahaha they are so cute. the faces are priceless.

  2. Such DARLING kiddos! And I've seen you in action-you're a great mom!!

  3. Can we talk about how adorable these photos are? I absolutely love them.

  4. I'm glad you posted every one. Each one is hilarious and adorable in its own right! Their faces are a crack up and display so much personality!!! I love it!
