Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve

We decided to do something different this year... we hit the hills and went sledding. It was awesome and only involved one bloody crash. (Poor Miles.)

Jen and sweet Crosbie.

Lovin' on Marky Mark.

Good thing Uncle Blaine had his first aid kit handy. :)

Cute Van.

 Here we are!

All FIVE of us. Wow.

Miles watching some TV pre-dinner.
After our perfect Italian Christmas Eve Seafood feast, we did the traditional Nativity. It was hilarious and completely worth it.

Oh Mark, you have my heart.

Little Van was our angel... with a gun. :)


Doug makes a great donkey.

A bit fuzzy, but still a cute Wise man on his camel.

A very serious Mary and Joseph... and the sweetest baby Jesus. 

Merry Christmas Eve!

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