Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So, Megan's most recent post got me thinking... Halloween costumes. I have dressed-up as a lot of funny things over the years. Though I really don't get into Halloween anymore. The movie, Mean Girls gave voice to my opinion that Halloween is for girls to dress slutty and somehow, "It's okay-- I am just pretending to be a hooker-- just for tonight." Hmmm...

Anyway, I do love the better costumes out there. Megan, your Chiquita costume is fab! A couple of years ago, Blaine's brothers and Markelle dressed up as Popeye (Brent), Bluto (Sean), Olive Oil (Markelle), and Willie Wonka (Doug)... Freaking hysterical! I wish I had the photo to post here... Oh well. And I can't wait to see all the little trick-or-treaters who come a-knockin' this year!

So, here is a list of "Halloweenie" things I have been. Let's see yours!

1. A Cat. I think I was this for several years, actually. My mom just cut the feet off the pajama bottoms, and added knee-socks to create the "illusion".
2. A Witch. A "scary" one with a green face and everything.
3. An Egyptian. This one was really cool. Janelle Garner and I dressed alike, and we looked so sleek in our unitards and Egyptian embellishments.
4. A Pencil. Yup. A pencil. Cara Meservy and I dressed alike this year. Sally and my mom had us in all black--with pink faces and hair--sporting a big ponchoesque cardboard pencil. Pretty creative eh? That's DeAnn and Sally for you.
5. A Gypsy. I loved this costume. Looking back on it, it really was just an accidental tribute to Stevie Nicks.
6. Grumpy. Okay, so Katrina Robinson HAD to be Snow White, and Janelle and I were the only two to agree being her dwarves. haha Hilarious! At least I wasn't Dopey... Sorry Janelle.
7. A Disco Babe. One of my vain college attempts.
8. An Army Hero. Another sad, vain attempt that trickled into college--left over from high school.
9. Marilyn Monroe. This was a great night. Valerie Richards and Becca Sorensen said I couldn't fit into a certain red dress (one of Rosalie's many amazing costumes), and sure enough I zipped it right up, donned a blonde wig and a beauty mark, and headed to the stake dance.
10. A Sailor Girl. Becca and I dressed in little matching sailor dress outfits. I'm pretty sure she told me I looked like I was dressing in drag.
11. A Geisha. Actually a cool costume from my aunt Lisa's Japanese mission. (Kind of a "hooker" huh? Oops, I guess I broke my own rule... well, I hadn't read Memoirs of a Geisha yet, :) so I guess I'm in the clear.)


  1. I LOVE this! I was just reminiscing about when mom made me be a "present" back in the day... Ahh, the costumes... I'll probably just wear black and buy a witch hat this year. Isabel is being a little pink leopard. :) Halloween is funny.

  2. Stewart said that I can be anything as long as I put the word sexy in front of it. :) He had some good suggestions: sexy astronaut, sexy chef, sexy zombie, sexy zombie killer...

  3. The hooker theory is so true. Some girls use halloween as an excuse to dress like a hoe-bag.
    I totally wanna see some pics of your past halloween costumes...I need to see the pencil. it sounds awesome. Logan is going to be an astronaut.

  4. That is hysterical!! I love the pencil comtume! DeAnn in a genius! Is there anything she can't do? Yu are so funny, and o creative. I am with ya on the whole slutty costume thing. i guess I will just keep it to myself that I have all the slutty versions of my princess costumes too. I mean nothing.... JK

  5. Perhaps we can borrow your slutty princess Jasmine costume for a night of . . . giving out candy to trick or treaters. Actually, if you happen to have the Princess Leah golden bakini outfit, I'll happily pay good money to borrow that one.

    I'm not excactly sure if Star Wars was a disney movie, but being that Carey Fisher did play a princess on it, I figure it's pretty much the same thing. Actually, I remember writing a letter to Princess Leah as a child asking her to come to my birthday party. I don't think my parents ever sent that letter. I slightly resent them for that, as it was my big chance.

  6. Alicia you are freaking wonderful and Blaine is a gem...i am laughing right out loud even as I type!!! Yes, The slutty princess leah costume has already been reserved by Scott however, I hear she has a really nice slutty version of Fiesta Princess!!! Ask her about that one!!! i tell ya, she supports all ethnicities! lol

  7. um, meg, Fiesta Princess is just between me and Deron no one can borrow that one. It includes a sombereo, a chochless poncho and meraccas. on special occasions sometimes it involves a pinata with a blind fold. Just kidding!!! Oh, Alica, I can hold it for a small fee for next season. Blaine, I may have a little something for you. This is per Megs and Melinda. You know we have way too much fun when we are together!! Let's plan a girls night out. Alright Blaine you can come too.

  8. I love Halloween. I think I was a witch for 6 years in a row and then a gypsy for another 4. My mom wasn't one to buy new costumes each year. But I love Halloween and want to start investing in some good costumes as in the past I have just gone to DI and picked out something ugly and called it a costume. A couple years ago I was Mimi and Brian was Drew Cary. The sad thing was he just wore his own clothes and stuffed a pillow in his shirt.

  9. I actually did go as Jasmine one year. I can't believe my parents let me out of the house with a bare midriff... and I can't believe that none of my friends told me my top was see-through until AFTER school.

  10. By my request, I was Princess Leah . . .the white-smock-wearing, buns-at-the-side-of-my-head variety (sorry Blaine) for 4 years in a row. After that I think I went right to Rainbow Bright . . . does anyone even remember Rainbow Bright?

  11. First of all, the cat costume was NOT pajamas with the feet cut off. I worked pretty hard on this costume and (poor you) talked you into wearing it for the next decade. It was sewn out of white terrycloth and I also made a cat hat with pointed corduroy ears and tail. Which brings us to the next topic...Christmas Nativity animal hats. What kind of mom puts her children through these kinds of things? But I think that my favorite costume that you ever wore was the gypsy. You looked like a million bucks.
    Love, Mom

  12. I like your creativity... I am stuck in this rut where I think the three of us have to be some themed trio. Last year, we were the Incredibles, it is on our homepage right now if you want to check it out:
    But, I am having a hard time with the creative juices this year, any ideas would be appreciated.

  13. My mom made some killer costumes when I was little. My favorite was when I was about 10 and I dressed up with my then-BF as a punk rocker. We were....rockin.

    I remember the Marilyn Monroe night. That was right when we first started being friends sophomore year. I also put a wig on and dressed up that night as, um, a, a lady in a wig.....and went with you to the stake dance.

  14. Awe Ang... I'm so glad we are still friends today!
