Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Okay... I've been tagged.

Normally I just ignore these, but LaChae called me out by name, so I guess I'll go.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
Like LaChae said in her blog, I had graduated from West Jordan High, and was attending my freshman year at UVSC, and living with my cousin, LaChae at good ol' Raintree apartments. Regardless what our parents may think about this "dark time", I had the time of my life. Yes, I did go on academic probation :) but honestly, some of my favorite memories came from these early years. Party on LaChae!

2. What was I doing 5 years ago?
Hmmm... working on my degree, (Alicia's college experience, Part Deux) working as Life Editor for "The College Times", and workin' the single life. I Loved loved loved my educational experience this time around. At this time I was swimming in Romanticism: John Keats, William Wordsworth and Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley. I simply cannot say enough about going back to school. English Education is definitely my "calling", and working for the newspaper was such a fun and motivating experience for me. And, hello-- the College 10th Ward was phenomenal! I lived in Pinnacle Apartments for four years and loved it. I had the very best roomies, and made lifelong friends.

3. What was I doing 1 year ago today?
Blaine and I were settling into our townhome and I was settling into my first year of teaching at Alta High School. I was overwhelmed (still am), but loving every second of it.

4. What was I doing yesterday?
Yesterday was a Professional Development day (no students). It sucked at first, but got better. I also got to go to lunch with Blaine and the Carters before they left for New Mexico. We always love it when they are here, but so sad to see them leave. Later I had plans to go to dinner with Annie and Candice, but I completely spaced it! Not being in front of a computer all day and this cold that just won't go away has left my brain more than a little fuzzy. Girls-- we will do it again, this time with me; I promise to be there! Oh yeah, and we watched Heroes last night... Good stuff, but I'm already bugged with the whole Claire and West romance. Lame city.

5. What are 5 snacks I enjoy?
Diet Coke.
Chips and Salsa.
Fresh fruit.
Tillamook Cheese and crackers.
Anything chocolate.
Anything peanut butter.

I know, I know... that's seven. I really like snacks.

6. What would I do with 100 million dollars?
Oh wow... you know, I really don't know. I'm sure that I would buy cars and a house and travel and all that, but honestly, I really don't know what I'd do with that amount of money. I'd probably give a lot of it away.

7. 5 bad habits I have:
Biting the inside of my lips. It's gross and it looks weird when I do it.
Picking at my cuticles. It's a nervous habit.
Verbal diarrhea.
Being late. Though being married to Blaine has really helped.

8. 5 things I like to do:
Read a good book.
Watch and talk about my favorite shows.
Going out to eat. LOVE IT!
Go to the movies.
Hang out with Blaine. I just love him. :)

9. 5 TV shows I watch:
The Office
My Name is Earl
Grey's Anatomy
Gilmore Girls (I still watch them on DVD)
Arrested Development (ditto)
Sex and the City (TBS)
Conan O'Brien

I know... there's more, I just don't want to embarrass myself too much.

10. My 5 biggest joys:
Family. Mine and Blaine's-- I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life.
My girlfriends. I wouldn't be the same person without my girls. Again, I am really very blessed.
Sisters. (And mom-- you're on this list.)
Good writing. I love good writing-- tv, movies, books, magazines, etc. Anything that's just written well and witty.
Music. I LOVE music.
And of course, the Gospel...specifically, prayer.

Okay, that's eight. Hey, I teach English-- numbers really just aren't that important to me.


  1. Loved your list! It is so fun to see your pictures and hear what is going on- I am positive you are a wonderful teacher! Love ya! LaChae

  2. I'm glad that the acadmeic propation didn't last . . . I was starting to get a little worried about the girl I HAND PICKED to replace me. Needless to say five years must have helped--it was all ment to be, if you would have done it right the first time you would have just taken the job away from me.
    (I hope you know I'm kidding--I know you're a wonderful teacher!) I didn't see bad writing on your list, you cannot tell me you don't LOVE all those millions of Euphony submissions about love and death and well whatever else high school students are obsessed with writing about.
    It was fun to read your list!
    Oh, and you're supposed to enjoy those professional development days, unless you had to sit in meetings :(

  3. Hey - sorry this is unrelated, just wondering if i could get your address. Also, are you guys planning on our Halloween party this year? you should....

  4. I loved reading this. Alicia, I miss you. And I am so with you about the stupid Claire/West thing. Seriously, when he took her up to fly...that was the cheesiest, lamest thing I have seen in awhile.

  5. hello luv!! You are awesome and i love reading and checking your blog...i check it daily hoping that you have nothing better to do than post every single day...i miss seeing you...hope the time with the carter was awesome...i still have the best in laws though...and always will HELLO!

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