Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Couch Day!!

I cannot tell you all how excited we are about finally getting our couch... Now that we actually have seating for more than two (although the mattresses have come in handy in the past), we want everyone to come hang out and watch a movie or two...or three :)
By the way, the couch that eats you will now reside in Blaine's office.
See you soon!


  1. Oh I love it! Ok when are we coming over! :) Seriously it looks great and I'm so glad that it fit!

  2. I love your couch and ottoman (I don't know how that is spelled). They are beautiful. Looking for the perfect couch is time consuming and sucks. We are searching for one right now. You did it doesn't it feel good (I can only imagine)?

  3. I love it! It looks very comfy - I could watch TV for hours on that! Happy day for you!

  4. yippee and it even fit down the stairs....halle freakin lujah! SO happy for you. Nothin better than a comfy couch! and it's a perfect color for that room--until you have small baby blaine's running around using permanent marker on it :)

  5. Just shrink-wrap it in plastic like all the grandmas on t.v.

  6. Those look awesome. I wanna see the rest of your place!

  7. So exciting!!! So I am guessing getting it down the stairs went well. It looks fantastic!

  8. Yes-- getting it downstairs was a breeze... the delivery guys did it, and it came in 6 pieces. Hooray! Now getting the old beast out of there wasn't so smooth. Good thing I have a whole lot of putty and red paint.

  9. This is awesome! I can't wait until we visit and have a Lost, The Office and Guitar Hero party!!

  10. I can't believe no one else has commented on your parenthesis assertion that "the couches down there have come in handy in the past." Seriously? Right here on your blog you're just gonna tell us where you and Blaine rendezvous. Sick Alicia!

  11. While I wouldn't put it past me to be that big of a pervert... I'm totally innocent here. We seriously have a couple of mattresses that we pull out for people to lay on while watching movies. I was just saying that with a big couch, we can now accomodate more peeps.:)
