Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In a New York State of Mind

This may sound crazy, but I always knew I'd fall in love with the Big Apple. I just never knew how much until now. Seriously, what is it about this city that makes me giddy? Well, I had the greatest time in NYC, and a majority of my time was spent alone. Blaine was in training all day, all week--and you know, I loved being on my own. I could be very selfish: do what I wanted, see what I wanted, shop where I wanted... you get the idea. It was just me and my iPod. Good times, man. I even happened across a free Alicia Keys concert. Perfect timing... Well needless to say, I took a butload of pictures. When Blaine and I were together, he was mostly laughing at me pulling out my camera every 3 seconds. I have no shame. Oh well, eh? Here's a very small portion of what I got... Enjoy.
Times Square!!!

I love this guy.

This is the Rockefeller Christmas Tree... veiled. I thought it was worth taking a picture of though.

Stupid strikers. We missed out on a Broadway show. Boo.
Awe... :)

Me... with Central Park in the background.

Handsome Blaine.
This building is where Cary Grant hangs out until midnight.

Empire State Building. This may make it to the Christmas Card '07.


The Columbus Memorial.

Just a cool street. Don't you think?

This is Central Park West. The second most expensive street in America to live on.

I always found myself looking up in this city. :)

I can't tell you what the name of this church is. I just thought it was beautiful.

So Blaine and I took this great dinner cruise around Manhattan island. It was so cool seeing New York City from the water.
Here's the Brooklyn Bridge. Love photoshop!

Another bridge shot.

City Lights.

Blaine and me out on the deck.

Oh, how I fell in love with Central Park! I took a few trips through this "wood within the city".
Here's a bunch more...


I completely lost myslef in the Met for a good three hours. I had such an amazing time wandering and staring. It was really incredible.

Yup. That's a real Mary Cassat at the end there.

So the part of the Modern section I REALLY wanted to see was closed. Panic! I've waited my whole life to see Klimpt, Monet, and Renoir and those idiots had it closed the day I was there. Frustrating. Oh well, at least I got to take this illegal picture of the famous shark. Cool.

I was enthralled with the sculptures here...I loved this one. I took MANY more pictures, but am trying to hold back. "Trying" is the key word here.
Thanks for placating me everyone. I heart NY.


  1. The coolest thing about this post is that I could look at double the amount of photos! Great trip. I loved so many things about it, but wish that I were there with you in that museum. Love you, my daughter! Mom

  2. So fun!!! How great for you two... You look fabulous! Glad it was a great trip- thanks for documenting it in pictures for us:) love it

  3. I love your pictures. It makes me want to visit New York right away. You look fantastic by the way.

  4. Those pictures are fantastic! I'm so jealous! How fun that you get to tag along on all these great vacations (I mean, business trips). So have you satisfied your NYC craving or can I come with you next time? Love you.

  5. Those pictures were wonderful! ou post as many as you want. I loved to look at all of them. You do look fantastic, and so does Blaine. How FUN!! I am so jealous too!! I am sad that you didn't get to see the paintings that you wanted. I would have been ticked too. So glad you had a wonderful time!

  6. It's so, so, SO pretty there! Now I want to go even more than I already did. And I am in love with the multiple pictures of you two... You could create a whole BOOK of Alicia and Blaine pictures for a Christmas card! (not that you should send everyone a book of pretty pictures of yourself. that would just be vain.) Seriously though, I'm so glad you got to do practically everything you wanted to! That's one benefit of walking around without your hubby. Maybe we should look ahead to a trip ALL together: boys do their thing, girls the better things! :) Whaddya' think? Love you!

  7. Val and I were marveling over your pics...dynamite!

  8. you pick the time and place and I am in with the Lee (melinda) party to NYC. I was thinking--I have been to NYC every year since I was 16 except THIS year!! poopy pants...your trip will have to count for me:) you are a great photographer I am so impressed and most of all I am in tears that Blaine actually likes and wears his beanlee!!! I need to make him some more! We missed you, but our conference call about Brett's mission and the call I made to you with my information could not have been more fun than if you had been in New York....oh wait, that's right, you were! I love having that memory forever now!! Love you AL!!! xoxo

  9. You are the best picture taker EVER!!! I love your pictures. You look great. I am so glad you had so much fun. It would be so fun to get lost in NY for a while!!!

  10. Awesome post. I love your pictures, especially the bw ones of you and Blaine. You look gorgeous!
    The Met was my absolute favorite part of my trip to NYC a couple years ago. I wish I could spend a few days in there!

  11. Ok, you got some amazing shots! I am so glad you finally got to go to NYC - I just love it there! It really is such an incredible city. Thanks for sharing all your pics so I can pretend I was there too!

  12. Awesome pics, Alicia. Next time feel free to make a stop here on the way! :) You guys are a stinkin' cute couple. Can't wait to see you soon!

  13. Alica,

    You are way to good to me! Talk about gorgeous, un hello, that would be YOU!!

  14. Alicia I loved your pictures. NYC really is a pretty place. I want to go back so bad I promised Isaac I'd take him. I wish I could have seen Alicia Keys I love her so much!!!! I'm glad you had so much fun...Dot

  15. I am glad you had such a great time. New York is definitely amazing, stinky and dirty at times, but amazing.
