Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oprah fans are nuts!

So I was trying to watch NYC's The Early Show on DVR today, because I happened to see a taping of Alicia Keys while I was there... so cool... I'll talk more about it in my New York trip post.
Anyway, while I was navigating my way through the channels, I happened across Oprah. Now I really don't have anything "against" Oprah per se, but I don't buy into the whole Oprah world. I know she's a great humanitarian, and she's done amazing things for all kinds of charities and what-not, but if you ask me she is a little full of herself, and her fans are f-ing NUTS!
Which leads me to my point: The show that just happened to be on today was the infamous "Orprah's favorite Things". Now I know these people were not expecting to walk away with all the gadgets and gizmos they did, but C'MON!!! I've never seen a more crazy bunch of people ever! (Except for maybe the whole N*Sync Phemonemon. HA!)


  1. Hm- missed the show, but I think I'd be willing to go a little nuts to walk away with a few nice new gadgets:) But I do agree with you- I actually think it's interesting how people get obsessed with ANY celeb- we all got here the same way and we're all going to the same place (more or less) and some just chose other professions. Would anyone be stalking Brittany Spears had she remained a waitress? Maybe her kids would've had a shot at a normal life...?

  2. That show is the only Oprah show I would want to go to - dealing with crazies is totally worth the stuff they get. However, I totally agree that Oprah totally bugs and I can't really watch her. I don't like her self-importance and how she focuses so much on selfishness (I know she gives to charity but her shows all seem to be about finding yourself and taking the time for yourself). Even her good acts are a little self-centered.

  3. AGREED! If I'm ever channel-surfing and come across Oprah on TV, I click right on through it. She just bugs me. Did you know that she is the only "cover model" to grace the cover of her "O" magazine? I'd call that a little full of herself. As for the NSync phenomenon, those were hilarious crazies. And crazies I would gladly hang out with on a whim! :)

  4. You've pin-pointed the problem with Oprah: Her fans. As the camera pans across the sea of robotic housewives I have often thought to myself: "At any given moment Oprah will call out an order 66 on every male on the planet and I will cease to exist".

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  6. I couldn't agree more! I don't know why she is an obession! I don't even watch any TV during the day. Everyone is always talking about her and blah blah blah. She is a great person I am sure, but I just don't get the the whole fasination.
