Sunday, November 11, 2007

Warning: Sentimentality and Cheesiness ahead.

Okay, this facial hair is not usually a part of Blaine's normal-everyday-look (Thank Goodness!) but it was Halloween, and I figured it was as good a time as any to give my husband the green light of having fun with his hair. I guess we girls try out hair dye, bangs and headbands... why not let him have his fun?... As long as it only lasts a day or two. Am I right, Karin?

I know I am a little cheesy, but I adore my husband. I could make a list that would exceed all your lists of reasons why he is the bomb (and I have-- I love lists!), but I won't here. Most of the reasons I think he is perfect for me lie in the everyday stuff, i.e. : I am just so comfortable with him and we have so much fun together... I love his humor-- he has such a quick wit, and makes me laugh all the time. But, probably the biggest reason is that Blaine allows me to be me. I feel like the best version of myself when I am with him... it's like coming home when we are together. And I know that is such a cliche-- I'm sorry!

I was talking to Ang the other day about this phenomenon, and we both realized that when we were single, we liked to have more alone time than we do now. Whether it was writing in my journal or driving up the canyon, I found that I needed time to be on my own and feel close to my own feelings...while I still have "Alicia time" every now and then, it's not the same. Now when I want to have that closeness, I have Blaine. He understands me like no one else can, and how cool is that?

My mom and I were talking about timing the other day-- it was a great conversation and so much of it pertains to my topic here, but since I've already over-shared (it IS my best worst habit), I'll tell you all a little about a Father's Blessing my dad gave me when I was really down and out, and feeling lonely. This was about three months before I stalked and found Blaine again--yes, I said stalked :) (another great story that most of you know... but way too long to add here). Basically my dad told me that I needed to be patient, and that I could NOT "settle". Let me tell you all that I did not "settle" with Blaine. I am constantly blown away at just how much I didn't "settle"... It's wonderful!

So sorry to be all sentimental and gooey, but I just love him! I never thought I could be this happy... *sigh* Blaine is leaving tomorrow morning to fly to NYC for a business trip and I will join him late Tuesday night. I'll be calling in "sick". I've never been to New York and I figured this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Plus, I just don't know if I can stand being away from him for longer than the one night I already will. I am so pathetic.

Don't worry, I'll be posting this trip, I promise!


  1. You're awesome. I don't think that people (women in particular) talk up their spouses enough. Sometimes it seems like it's almost "cool" to trash talk... I don't get it.

    But honestly, I couldn't imagine anyone better suited for you than Blaine is. (Come on - who else would indulge you in the "pretend to be a dead hampster" bit?) You guys have such a great relationship and FRIENDSHIP.

    Well done you.

  2. I love that you gushed about Blaine. He is truly a great guy and I'm happy you stalked him!!! I love the picture too he looks like a cop and not the nice ones but a jerk cop. I wish he had on some aviators in that picture. Tell him to grow that again and let's dress him up I have a gun and I'm sure you already have handcuffs;)!!! haha I love ya girl have fun in NYC!!!

  3. Timing really is everything. I'm so glad you and Blaine found the right time to really "find" each other! I LOVE how much you love him. Have a fantabulous time in New York! I'm totally jealous!

  4. You two are just adorable! Have a great time in NYC!! I love taht you love your spouse so much. I think that is so important. I think Blaine is a pretty lucky guy himself to have you!

  5. Precious...I am so glad to hear you are so happy. It feels good to get all cheesy and gooey sometimes. Can't wait for you to go to NYC! You are too cute and I love and miss you too!

  6. Oh Al I'm loving this post. I agree with Michelle that somehow it's cool to rip on your sarcasm here, my friend! I love Blaine too! The minute you thought he was good enough for you...well then he was good enough for me...and the fact that we shopped for purses...I'll never be the same

  7. A few thoughts. first, Yes, Alicia, yes- a day long mustache is ok. Much longer and there are issues to work out...
    Your stalking comment reminded me of certain EFY stalking habits- ah, we've had some seriously stupid FUN!!! And lastly- Blaine IS great for you. My favorite story is the sunflower. (it was a sunflower, right?) He remembered and delivered and that is so stinkin' sweet!
    Now hope you're enjoying the Big City I am so glad you got invited on this trip!!! How fun for the both of you!

  8. p.s. it makes me laugh that this post preceeds the bathroom one. Way to keep things diverse on this blog!

  9. I agree with the mustache/cop thing. CHIPS anyone? (Ponch or Jon?) But honestly, Blaine is the best. You two are perfect together. It is remarkable that two different people can become a couple, yet become a better individual as well. Love is a blessing. Love, Mom

  10. Alicia - Hi!!! K, I finally started a blog so I can comment on yours. Tell Blaine Nice Mustache and I am so loving your sweet message!!! You are truly a match made in heaven!!!!
