Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

To follow suit a la Elizabeth and Ange, here's a picture of our wedding day--exactly two years ago. Blaine and I were talking about it last's such a weird feeling: To feel like you've been with this person forever, yet at the same time feel like it's all gone by so fast.
Needless to say, I love being married to Blaine. We have so much fun together. I just couldn't be happier. And seriously, how hot is this kissing picture? Whew! :)


  1. Happy
    Happy Anniversary!
    ...(a la "Axe Murderer")

    I was just thinking about how fast the last two years have gone, too! I love you guys so much and am so happy you have each other!

  2. Happy Anniversary Alicia! You look gorgeous in that picture! I hope you guys have some fun anniversary plans! Time flies when you're having fun huh?! I've been married 8 1/2 years. The time goes even faster as the years go by!

  3. Very Hott (with two T's). Happy Anniversary!

  4. Alicia,
    It's Robyn Sanders! I saw you on Cara's blog! I hope you don't mind me commenting. You are as beautiful as I remember you, and what a great couple you and your hubby make. Check out my family blog at, also I saw your jewelry and love it! I started a giveaway blog at and let me know if you'd be interested in putting your jewelry on there.
    My email is:
    Sorry for the long comment!

  5. Hott indeed! And it was such a nice wedding day, too! Glad you found each other- love you guys!

  6. Do I get a prize for saying Happy Anniversary on your last post before you added this one?? See you at our slumber party tonight with Nannie!!

  7. Happy Anniversary! It is such a wonderful day isn't it! January 7th is the greatest day ever!

  8. Hey it's me, BZ! Remember me?! So we totally got married on the exact same day! Jan. 7 2006! And may I say, happy anniversary! You look as beautiful as ever. Hope all is going well for you guys!

    Love ya
    Brianna (aka: BZ or Beez)

  9. Smoochfest 2005! Get a room! Oh, you did...and its a very nice room, with a sweet and gigantic movie screen, with every frikkin' movie ever made at your fingertips while you relax comfortably on a giant couch...

  10. I totally remember this day!!! I loved your reception. Happy Anniversary. It's wonderful to be so in love isn't it!!!!

  11. Congratulations!! You two have always been perfect for each other. Too bad you had to go to round 2 like we did. Love you guys.
