Monday, January 14, 2008

Elder Lee

So I am a blog picture stealer... I only took two... if you all want to see the rest, check out my sister, Laurel's blog.
Anyway, I hate the MTC. It's so sad. And I am always hysterical in there. I mean, this is my little brother! Saying goodbye, then watching Brett say goodbye to his siblings and parents is just too much. Okay, okay, so I'm really proud of him, and I have no qualms against missionary work (ask me about my new church calling, ha!). I know this is the best place for little Bretty to be. Isn't he so cute?

Here are all the Lee siblings. Michelle, me, Elder Brett, Matt, Scott and Laurel.
Laurel already said it, but it's so true: these are my best friends! I love these people!


  1. That is one hot group of people! You guys are fantastic, and I just love you! Brett is going to be the best missionary! Yeah for the Lees!!

  2. That is very exciting and very hard to say goodbye! You have such a cute family...isn't it fun when you get older and your siblings are your best friends. I try to tell Brian that so he will want more than 2 kids.

  3. I think watching Brett and Matt say goodbye to each other was the saddest for me. Boo. I love these people!!!!!

  4. good job on the stealing of it! I was secretly grateful I coul dnot get off work, so I had to miss the damn MTC--I hate that place :) It holds memories for me personally as a missionary00which were also traumatic and saying goodbye to family! That place blows...:)in a nice way

  5. WOW, I still see Brett as a little 5 year old. Time flies! Such a cute picture of all the siblings . . k, tell Laurel it's a bummer her blog is "invite only" I didn't get to see the rest of the pics ;)

  6. "LITTLE" Bretty is an awefully handsom missionary- I'm excited to hear updates of him!

  7. I totally agree with you...I hate the MTC also. It makes me cry every time. But how exciting to see him off!!! He is definitely in the right place!!!

  8. Hi honey!
    The MTC is a righteous place with an evil twist. That was hard! We love Brett and will really miss him. Thank heaven for the rest of the Lee family. Love, Mom
