Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pop-Culture SHOCK!

I am SHOCKED! Seriously shocked. And I really don't know what to do about it. On my way home from work today, I was listening to the oldies station; not just classic rock or something like that, but a bona fide oldies station (94.1). I've really had a hankerin' for the old stuff lately, another sign I'm getting old, AH!
Anyway, those "old geezers" played Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" circa 1985. What the crap?!!? What is going on? Am I really that old or is 1985 seriously considered by most to be a certified "oldie"? Where is the world going? I know I'm turning 29 next month... I'm a little freaked by it, but I didn't think that me pushing thirty also meant that my childhood is being pushed into a category it really doesn't want to be pushed. Am I even on the ride anymore at all?
I'm really at a loss here. I think I'm having a mid-to-late-quarter-life-crisis. Help!
At least this picture of the queen of pop is totally awesome :)


  1. Seriously?!! I just watched Girls Just Wanna Have Fun literally 2 days ago, and found absolutely NOTHING "oldie" about it. What is this world coming to?

  2. Okay, so at first I was shocked too. But I guess that was over 20 years ago, right? I think the real horror will come for me when I'm 45 and groovin' to "oldies" TuPac or "oldies" 50 Cent.

    Oh, and Cyndi Lauper is bad ass.

  3. That is just wrong. I bet the DJ just wanted to sneak that one in because it is such a great song. I hate feeling old.

  4. Yeah, I hear you! I mean really is hat old? At work the other day this girl wa talking about this song that this TV show made up. She sang a little bit for me, and I had to tell her that it truly was a realy song that was written in the 80's. I can't remember the song, but I was mortified!

  5. Huh? Bizzare indeed. I've always been a lover of the oldies- and was excited to hear the Beach Boys were comin' to town in concert. Thought it'd be fun to take the kiddo's and dance dance dance to Catch a Wave... Yeah, 'til I learned tickets were starting at $30!! Still hot after 50 years and minuse a singer or two? What to do...

  6. Finally! If I hear Louie-Louie one more damn time on that station....
    Sit back and breath in the 80s. Enough of the 60's and 70s, man. How many friggin' times do I need to hear a DJ say how he loved the Beatles or the Stones!?
    Break on through to the other side Cyndi! Break on through!

  7. That's true... at least the 80's has "soul" I feel a part of. New wave rocks my world.

  8. I love Cyndi Lauper. She is as current to me as possible. I have to tell ya, at Christmas time, my family was playing this game called SingStar (competition karaoke) on the PS2 and I KILLED everyone on the Cyndi Lauper songs.

  9. Do you remember when Nannie got kicked off the PlayStation karaoke machine when she was trying to sing "New York, New York"? I mean kicked off! They turned out the lights, stopped the music, and her character took the walk of shame! Funny, funny times...but my point is that some songs never go out of style. Don't think of songs from your past as oldies. Think of them as classic. Great music endures.
    Love, Mom
    P.S. You're not getting old.
