Sunday, February 17, 2008

Melissa Sebourn: a.k.a. Doppleganger

It was a quick visit, but Melissa was in town and I was lucky enough to hang out with my doppleganger for a few hours... more than enough time to hit the mall, have a coke, analyze some "Lost" and play with new baby Eden.
Melissa and I met in our Pinnacle singles ward (we happened to be dating the same guy unknowingly). We became fast friends and since we also happened to be in the same major, we took a bunch of classes together and hung out constantly. I love this girl! We got married within six months of each other and even managed to marry guys who really like each other. Lucky us! Anyway, Melissa and Noah moved to Kentucky in the fall for law school and Blaine and I have been sad about it ever since. They are really great friends.
Here's hoping Noah gets an internship in Salt Lake this summer.
Here's Mel with Eden

Not the greatest of me, but Melis, Laurel and the girls look cute. (Thanks for the pics, Rojo!)


  1. I like your hair, Alicia. Very pretty. Hey, where'd the picture go?!

  2. Alicia-what is your email address? I went private on my blog, but wanted to send you an invite. You can send me an email if you want: How is the pregnancy going?

  3. Speaking of "celebrities in rehab", did you hear that Eva Mendes is the most recently rumored patient in the now-famous rehab center here? Lame. It totally makes me not like her as much.

  4. I'm so sad that I missed Melissa! Why don't we use the word "doppelganger" anymore? Let's bring it back.

  5. p.s. How long 'til you know if your baby is a he or a she?

  6. Yeah!! I'm jealous that you got to see her and little baby Eden! Loos like you guys had so much fun!!

  7. Happy Birthday, Alicia! I thought I'd leave a quick comment to wish you a happy day, and to say that I'm jealous that you get to hang out with your friends and family all the time. At least I have Dave and Matt. Can't wait to see you in Yellowstone!
    Love, Mom

  8. Your momma beat me to it- HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! Can't wait to see you next month (you better be around at Rob's reception!!!)
    Love ya!

  9. I'm super lucky to have my own post on your blog :) big smiles :) And just so you know, you get priority regardless of your proximity to the airport!!!
