Thursday, February 7, 2008

Name That Gender

So Blaine is convinced we are having a baby girl. I had a dream last night we had a little boy. My mom thinks it's a girl. Nannie (Grandma) thinks it's a boy. Last time Megan and I did an ultrasound in her office, she was leaning toward a boy. Chris (Blaine's mom) is dying for a girl, and with all boys I can't blame her:) I'll be honest... the idea of a girl is really exciting to me but OF COURSE, I'd love a little Blaine too.
What's the purpose, you may be wondering? I want to know what you all think. We won't know officially for a few more weeks but go ahead, tell us--what are we having?


  1. I'm thinking girl... but only because I want a boy and I'd be jealous if you got the first one :)

  2. I hope you have a girl :) But if you have a boy we can betroth our children and guarantee that they have awesome inlaws! he he

  3. I dunno, dude. I thought Isabel was a girl, then had a dream I had a boy, and CLEARLY she came out a girl. :) I still think it's a girl and I can't wait to find out!

  4. yeah the dreaming threw me off too. I dreamed that I was having the cutest little girl and I dreamed about her about 4 times. So I was surprised when they told me that I was having a boy

  5. Oh it is so fun to try to guess...but I am terrible at it. We thought for sure we were having a boy with Emery and then when the ultrasound said girl, we questioned the tech and took a little while to adjust to thinking pink. I can't wait for you to find out!

  6. I must say, my little stud melts my heart every time he looks at me and smiles! There's nothing like a mama's boy!

  7. Yeah, I don't know what to think. Either way it will be a cute little Carter!!

  8. I vote girl - but that's just cause I have a housefull. There's so much cute baby girl stuff out there too :)

  9. I am so excited for you. I hope it is a girl because that is what I really wanted, and she would look so cute in all of her stylish clothes that I know you would put on her. Congrats!!!

  10. I am gonna have to say it's a BOY! Just my thoughts. Hope you are feeling good! Love you.

  11. I'm gonna say boy. Just because. Excited for the ultra sound results though!

  12. I'm going to say GIRL... because there are now four great girl grandbaby Kemptons (in April) and there needs to be enough to make up lyricals.

  13. HA! There's nothing better than cousin choreography!

  14. Okay, the best non-ultra sound test that I've seen to predict gender is the Chinese Calendar test. Here is a link to a site that was pretty accurate with everyone I know. Good luck!

  15. I still say girl, even though whenever I thought I "knew" with my own babies I was wrong. But your dad says you are having puppies.
    Love, Mom

  16. I think boy. If you have a feeling, any at all, go with that. I knew the second I heard Linc's heartbeat that it was a boy. Jethro tried to make bets saying he knew it was a girl, but I really really knew. Weird how that happens. Either way it will be fun, boys are all I know, but they are great. I'll be honest, I get a little jealous when I see all the cute pink stuff compared to the little corner of blue.

  17. Gut reaction is a boy. Maybe I want you to be just like me :)

  18. I think it's a girl! I'm anxious to hear!

  19. I think it's a girl because that little gummy bear looks like it's wearing a bow! I hope you have a girl they're so much fun...but then again so is Isaac so either way it'll be good!!
