Sunday, August 17, 2008

About to Pop

I am about to explode and must be in dire need of a head exam because I found myself in the middle of a "photo shoot" last week. My friend, Jes is both an amazing seamstress (she made my wedding dress, my sister's, as well as my niece's blessing dress), but also is a very talented photographer. She started just taking pictures of her brides for portfolio purposes, but fell in love with her camera and is now building her photography portfolio. (What would it be like to be THIS talented??)
Anyway, I was really self-conscience about getting these pictures taken, but couldn't resist the good company and pre-shoot-lunch. My sister, Laurel already posted a prego-picture from Jes's site as well as a tribute I'm sure I don't deserve, so I figured I may as well post another. This one is less body and more belly--which I can deal with. :) Honestly, who really "enjoys" being this big? But pregnancy is truly a miracle and I'll never complain (too much) about it.
*Sigh* Eleven days and counting until D-day.


Anonymous said...

I sort of don't get it. Is this you at the hospital during delivery? Cuz, if it is, you look great! Or do you just have to lie down a ton now to look happy?
Either way, its dynamite!
Good luck!

Cara said...

So great - you'll love that you took these pictures later! I'm just impressed at what a stylish pregnant lady you are - I wouldn't have had a thing to wear for a photo shoot!! I think I want to hire you to decorate my house & buy me clothes ;)

Becca Jo said...

please have the baby no later than Thursday so I can see him!

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

I wish I would have taken pictures when I was prego with Jack! I was so selfish in the fact that I obviously was disgusted by the way I looked. I wouldn't even let matt take pics of me in the hospital! Now I regret that for Jacks sake. I am trying to be better about it this time around...TRYING!! YOU look beautiful, however!!!

Good luck in the whole birthing process!! No one can say ANYTHING to prepare you for it!!! But oh just wait till you hold that litle man in your arms!! It's amazing how you can fall instantly in love with such a small little person!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!

Laurel said...

First of all, you DO deserve the tribute. And secondly, I'm so glad you did these pictures. You look beautiful and are going to love them post-birthing process. I don't really have any where I look that great, but they're still fun to look at and remember how big you were. I promise... FUN! Love you.

Express Yourself said...

Alicia, You look adorable...that is an awesome picture...I am excited that you are about to have your baby...I feel your pain.. about feeling ready to pop! I have 4 weeks left!!! Good luck...

Lindsey said...

You are SO BEAUTIFUL! I can't even stand it. You make me want to go out and get knocked up, just so that I have the opportunity to look that hot a week before delivery. Yikes, girls. You wear it so well. Top five reasons I envy you right now...

Amber Burt said...

You look great! Good luck with everything.

Dottie Stay said...

I love the pictures, and you will be so glad that you have them. They will mean so much to your little guy. You look great no worries there at all. If it makes you feel any better, I know how you feel. :)

Candice said...

I would totally document a rack like that.

Ms. Dottie said...

Alicia you look so beautiful. You don't even look big you just look beautiful. Don't ever forget Big girls be bumpin'!!!! I love you so much I can't wait to see the little bambino!!! love ya Dot

tammy said...

You look great! And I can't believe you are about to give birth, your belly looks so small! I think mine at 17 weeks is as big as yours now.

Michelle said...

I'm just glad I'm not the only one to covet your rack.

emmy said...

Hot sexy mama-to-be! Can't wait for this little guy to get here!

Karin said...

Well aren't you just hott?! How is this talented friend at decorating baby boy rooms- 'cuz I hear you could use a little guidance;)...
was SO great seeing you briefly! Love ya!

Wilde Things said...

Yeah, the laying down position does wonders for everything. The rack looks great and the stomach looks so tiny.
Good luck . . . I'm jealous you're down to just days.

Trace said...

I just tagged you for a high school memories questionnaire. You had better do it because I am looking forward to checking it out!

Melissa Sebourn said...

You are beautiful as always (not to mention looking amazing at 9 months, I only wish I looked so good)

Melissa Sebourn said...

BTW Wolverine is totally winning your survey because Hugh Jackman is hot! (what can I say . . . that's why I voted for him!!)

Melissa Sebourn said...

Noah says, "The greatest superhero is Batman because technically he is NOT a superhero; therefore he has no superweakness; therefore he cannot be defeated by conventional means"

Alifinale said...

You look beautiful! Why is it that pregnancy always looks better on others? You will be so happy you have these and so will your kid. How lucky to have such a talented friend.

Danielle said...

You look really, really hot.

Alicia said...

Awe... thanks Dee.