Tuesday, August 26, 2008


High School Tag:
Thanks Leesa, for the tag. This was really funny to think about.

1. Did you date someone from your school?
No. Never. I dated people from school, but never exclusively. Looking back, I'm so glad I didn't.

2. What kind of car did you drive?
A '73 brown Ford truck. I loved it. It was a Beast. Then I killed it... I've never fully forgiven myself. I don't think my dad has either. I also drove a '79 silver Cutlas Supreme. I didn't love it. It was more of my brother's car-- but I did enjoy the eight-track player and the sweet loud-speaker-P/A he installed. Good times in that car.

3. What was the most embarrassing moment of high school?
I'm sure I embarrassed myself daily. I've always been prone to being an idiot. But, I think I was most embarrassed when Brad Behle pulled down Don Dunn's shorts during our boy-girl dance practice. I'd never seen a wiener before and I was shocked and embarrassed forever.

4. Were you a party animal?
Like Leesa said, every day was a party but never with drugs or booze. I was a pretty good kid.... just a little careless about other things, like stealing public property, going to the train tracks (I don't care what anyone says-- yes, we were stupid--but it was awesome!), Spying on people (This really was a serious effort. We were freakishly good at it), Soaping driveways, de-facing Bingham property, Spring Break, Dragging State Street...the list goes on and on...

5. Were you considered a flirt?
I don't really know. I probably wasn't good at flirting until I got older. I'm sure I was really awkward at it in high school.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
No. I'm not "musically talented".

7. Were you a nerd?
Who knows? I know I've ALWAYS been a nerd/geek on many, many levels. Although in high school I SO didn't care about school (I mean studying and grades) at all. I wish I had. I didn't turn into that kind of a nerd until college made me an English major. Man, I am a huge nerd now.

8. Were you on any varsity teams?
Drill Team. I loved dance, but I hated playing sports. (Still do.)

9. Did you get suspended/ expelled?

10. Can you still sing the fight song?
I actually think I probably could, thanks to Liz. She used to make us sing it in college every once in a while.

11. Who were your favorite teachers?
Hands down: Ms. Gurule. She made me want to love literature and she really inspired me later on to teach English as an adult. I actually subbed at WJ once and visited her. She was really nice, but had no clue who I was. haha.
The funny thing about teachers is that I can only remember the really good ones and the really crappy ones.

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
Thanks to what my high school buddies said, I remember that we usually sat at a table to eat and then moved to the stairs to chat. I loved "the commons".

13. What was your school's full name?
West Jordan High School.

14. School mascot?
Go Jags!

15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with?
Once, with a kid named Sean something. He was nice.

16. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
No way! While I loved so much of high school and I wish I knew then what I know now, I would never do it again. I used to tell my students that high school is not the end-all-be-all of life. I think you decide what kind of person you want to be while in high school, but really don't "find yourself" until later.

17. What do you remember most about graduation?
I remember being bored out of my mind, and that our "sashes" were much cuter tied around our necks. :)

18. Where did you go senior skip day?
What is senior skip day? I sluffed so much it was scary... Leesa, I almost forgot about the press-pass incident. Mr. D. hated me.

19. Were you in a club?
Leesa, Keri and I were in many club pictures because we were on Yearbook staff. We had a bunch of friends in these pictures with us. I'm kind of surprised we got away with it. According to the yearbook, I was an avid chess player, was in DECA, FBLA, and a Drama enthusiast.

20. Have you gained some weight since then?
Don't we all? Well, we SHOULD. :)

21. Who was your prom date?
Once with John Dinger. Once with Travis Saltzgiver. Both were really mean to me afterward. Probably because I didn't put out on Prom night. Although I did end up kissing them both later on. Weird. And gross.

22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
I went and loved it. I was so glad I did.

23. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?
I wouldn't have worried so much about so little, and I really would have taken my grades much more seriously.

I tag: Becca. Katrina. Emily. Liz. Dottie. Jami. Ange.


Trace said...

I totally forgot about Don's dude getting exposed for all to see and I was his dance partner at the time. I actually think I was on the ground right by him because I got a really really close up view!!! When is that baby coming already????

Anonymous said...

Oh, my...the weener story is pretty boss!

Danielle said...

That's weird. I think we went to the same high school?

No better place to see a wiener for the first time. Try being the only kid in college who still thinks theres 2 b a l l s a c s. Not that I was...