Sunday, November 30, 2008


No, Michelle's not due for a couple more weeks... but these pictures of her shower are. We had a great time at Mimi's Cafe for a brunch *slash* shower. Have you had their stufffed french toast? Holy crap!

Mom-to-be, Michelle
Jeannie, Anne, Kristen with Michelle

Laurel and Amanda

Shanna and Lisa

Ashlee, Lisa and Kristen

Michelle, Megan and Melinda


  1. dang good times! Sweet shower you and Laure put together! How is the little Jake man?! Hope Thanksgiving was fun!!

  2. Besides a new baby, the only important thing missing from those pictures is ME! Ha. Wish I could have been there but we'll see you soon.

  3. Those are fun pictures! I can't wait to see Michelle's baby and hear what she names her! How exciting.. My sister Michele just had her baby a week ago and she is so cute and little.. They named her Ireland Paige, if you didn't already see that on my blog!

    Amber ~

  4. Noah here.

    I didn't really read most of this post because I went to your blog for the sole purpose of leaving you a comment about your homemade salsa. That stuff is amazing.

    I wanted you guys to know how much better my life is now that I have a Snuggie. Seriously guys, I can keep warm WITHOUT TRAPPING MY HANDS.

    For those of you who aren't sure what I am talking about, follow this link for information about how awesome you life can become.

  5. Oooooooh, stuffed french toast. It is so yummy. I always order that too.
