Monday, December 8, 2008


In a vain attempt to catch up... here's Thanksgiving in New Mexico.
We had a great time with the Carters and some big milestones were made: 1. Jake is now a successful traveler to and from New Mexico and Washington. 2. I got all the Carters to watch "White Christmas", and I think that Sean and Doug secretly liked it. 3. Jake and Jack met Santa for the first time at the mall. 4. Jake rolled over.


  1. There is no baby boy cuter than your baby boy on the face of this earth!

  2. That last picture is one of the cutest things I think I've ever seen! I love him and love YOU!

  3. WOW, he's gotten so big! Adorable!

  4. Oh my gosh! what a cute kid! He so favors you. I really do see you in that little guy. the shirt! Thanks for sharing the pics! I can hardly wait to meet the cutie! I love you! Larabelle

  5. I love the picture of Chris with both boys. She is so cute with them.

  6. What a fun time! Jake is so cute and getting so big, that is awesome that he rolled over!


  7. Jake is seriously so dang cute! And I still can't believe how much he looks like you!! :)

  8. What a cutie pie, I want to squeeze him! He does look like you! I am so happy for you! I hope I can meet him before he leaves on his mission:) Love you! LaChae
