Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Me

So, yesterday was our third anniversary and while we really aren't celebrating until this weekend, it was still a good day filled with laundry, baby-bathing, the dry-cleaners, baking/cooking, a romantic candle-lit dinner, and going to bed early.
I am so happy to be married to this man. He is everything I could have ever wished for and more. I love our life together. We have so much fun just being with each other. He totally gets me and lets me be me. We are so in sync (not the boy band) and crazy about each other. I love that we get along so well. Maybe it's because we each found someone as nerdy as we are.
Anyway, Blaine--I love your face off!

As for the picture... this is one of the pictures taken from our engagement shoot. I like it because Blaine is so handsome, I like remembering what it felt like to fit into a cute, fitted jacket (I hate big boobs), and I love that my brother-in-law, Brad is here in all his glory. Plus, it was conveniently on the server already.


  1. 1Happy Anniversary! I can't believe that it has been three years! I think that you are still as beautiful as you ever were....regardless what you may think...YOU look great! I love you and am so proud to call you my niece. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love your engagement pictures! (Especially because we had to sneak onto private property to get them.) Congratulations on the anniversary and have fun in Las Vegas!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope that your trip is great.. Be safe and have fun!!

  4. I love the bandaid on your knee! :) Anniversaries are so fun. I hope you have a great time celebrating.

  5. I love this picture! Happy Anniversary to you guys. I'm so happy for both of you, and you really are perfect for one another. Even if it DID take "round 2" to completely figure it out... :) Love you, and have fun in Vegas!

  6. Congratulations & Happy Anniversary. Way to survive each other for 3 years. ;) Have a great trip.

  7. Hooray for January weddings! Happy Anniversary.

  8. happy happy anniversary!!! you two look so cute together!!

  9. Happy Anniversary lovebirds! Look at you two now...your cute little family. What a life!

  10. Yes, I am a little behind but I DID remember you on your anniversary. The bottom line is and Blaine are still a great match, Jake is still an adorable baby, and the best is yet to come.

  11. First, I am totally with you on the big boobs hatred! What's the big deal anyway?? Some boys even have them. I hate feeling like a little hootchie(sp?) when I wear, well, anything cause I have massive cleavage!

    Second, Happy Anniversary to too! Isn't is crazy how time flies. Almost as crazy as us getting married on the same exact day!!

    Third, your little Jake is sooooo cute! Don't ya just love being a mommy?! It is the best thing in the whole wide world! It's even better when they give you kisses with out even having to ask for them! Oh, it melts my heart!

    Well, that's all. Later skater.
