Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year Top Tens

So, my cute friend, Alison did a great post about "ringing out the old and bringing in the new". It featured two top ten lists and well, I can't resist a top ten.

Top Ten Memories about 2008:
(in no particular order)

1. Having Jacob Blaine Carter

He is one great kid and the very smartest and cutest in the world.
2. Going to Washington D.C. with Blaine's parents
Blaine was in training during the days and it was just me, Steve and Chris marching through the streets and riding the Metro. Then, we'd meet up with their firstborn and hit the night-life. It was so fun!
3. Yellowstone
My parents rented a cabin for a few days. It was so fun basking in nature, playing volleyball, (Yeah, even me! Thanks for the tips, Scotty.) and shoving Q-tips up our nose, (Okay, just Blaine. Lee talent show '08. Awesome.)
4. Finishing up teaching at Alta
So sad it's over for now, but even happier that I get to stay at home with my little boy. I love teaching English; it truly was a great highlight for me.
5. Newport Beach House
Blaine claims he looks forward to this annual event more than Christmas. It's a great time. There's really nothing better than laying on the beach all day, and going to sleep listening to waves crashing.
6. Welcoming new babies Jackson Carter and Kaiya Walker
Markelle had darling,little Jack last January and Michelle just had her sweet, baby girl, Kaiya. I can't wait to get to know her more.
7. Discovering the greatest burger in the world
"Five Guys Burgers and Fries." Oh wow! This burger rocks my world. If you haven't tried it yet, you really should.
8. Our home projects
Nothing spectacular (like new counter-tops), but we made some improvements this past year that I'm pretty proud of.
9. My new car
I love my car. Plus, it was wonderful to get rid of our lease and buy something more family oriented. And, the extra 200 bucks a month is amazing. Never. Leasing. Again.
10. Blaine's job
Franklin-Covey has been so great for us and I can't tell you what a blessing it is that Blaine actually loves what he does. He takes such great pride in working hard and we are so lucky to have a boss who appreciates him.

Top Ten Things I'm excited about 2009:
(in no particular order)

1. Celebrating our third anniversary
It's tomorrow, actually, and we are taking off on Friday to celebrate "Vegas style". Okay, really that means taking Jake with us but we are going to "Beatles Love" and I can't freaking wait!
2. Watching little Jake grow up
He is already getting so big and I feel like it's all been a blur. He's just so much fun and is so interactive. I love it.
3. Not being pregnant and losing baby weight
Time for me to get my big butt back on my elliptical machine. Nuff said.
4. Gutting and organizing all the crap we call "our stuff"
When we moved in I thought I was a queen with all the storage space we had. Two and a half years later, there's more crap than we need, the attic is getting full and two of my "storage space" closets have mysteriously been vacated for computer server rooms.
5. Organizing all our pictures and music
This will be a huge job. But, is it weird that I'm kind of excited about it? I haven't printed any pictures since I went digital. And I have an obscene amount of music that is not on my ipod or computer. Duh.
6. Building and improving my relationships and friendships
I want to be a better... everything. Wife. Mom. Sister. Daughter. Friend. Ward member--this is a big one.
7. Beach House '09
See #3 for more information.
8. Writing
Not sure how I will do this one aside from my amazing blogging skills, but this is something I really want to work on.
9. Daily Scrips and Prayers
I'd like to be better at consistency with this one. I know I can do better.
10. New counter-tops?
This is a blatant attempt to get new ones.


  1. Great Post.
    I am so excited that you are going to see Beatles Love. I thought of you when I saw it. You will go crazy.

    My new years resolution:
    Get together with Alicia and finally meet Jake.

  2. ThAT was the sweetest post I have seen regarding the new year!! I loved reading that and love that the highlights of last year and plans for this year are so much about quality time together as a families---! Loved your thoughts...thanks for sharing!:)
    happy anniversary

  3. Fantabulous! I dream of going to a "real Vegas show" every time we are down there -- and secretly hope that Jason will surprise me with tickets one day. Completely jealous!

    Oh, and, uh... thanks for the reminders of things I need to ADD to my to-do list this year. :)

  4. Oh I think that I'm going to copy you! very cute post.

  5. Love the blog post and love the New Year Top Tens. I read recently that before you make new resolutions for the year you need to acknowledge at least one thing that is going well for you at the moment. Sometimes life is about a little pat on the back so I liked your twist on 2009.

  6. I'm doing this too because I love to copy you.

    I know a girl who can help you with your countertop wishes....Best in the west....

  7. Great post!! That was too much fun to read!!
    Let us know what you thought of the Beatles Love show!

  8. Beatles Love will freaking blow your mind! I am so excited for you to go! Happy Anniversary. Love you so much!

  9. Hey Alicia! I love your blog! I'll be stalking it from now on! :) It was so great to visit with you guys when we were out there. I can't wait til we get together again. Oh, and by the way, YES "Five Guys Burgers" is amazing...thanks Blaine! And ditto to everything you have said, especially your sidebar English mistakes. I hate all those and I just saw another one that kills me! On a billboard to boot while driving through Vegas. "No loosers here." Come on! Seriously? But I see that one all the time. K. Happy reading, writing and redecorating. All sounds like fun and have a great time in Vegas!

  10. Yay! I'm excited that you are no longer private. I always LOVE looking at your blog... I just hardly ever do cause I'm a loser and rarely go to private blogs. I don't know why.
    Anyway, I love this post. And I haven't responded to your comment on my blog or your text, but I'm glad you like your hair!
    Hope you're having a FAB new year and we'll see you more often!!

  11. What a great post.. Such neat things to remember and see what happens in 2009!
