Sunday, January 18, 2009

What We've been up to Lately

My friends, Candice and Lindsey were right: this show blew my mind. There's really no way to even describe it. It's that great. Seriously.
I am a bad mommy. We went to Vegas with nothing warm for baby Jacob. I don't know what I was thinking... clearly I wasn't. We had to hit The Gap while we were there.
Brent was awesome enough to come with us to help watch Jake while we went to "Beatles Love".
The fam.
Cousin, baby Kaiya. Isn't she pretty?
Seni and Jake. These two are destined to be buddies. See how she can't keep her hands off him?
Don't you love her hair?
Lee, Kempton and McConkie cousins:
Isabel, Kaiya, Seni, Jake and Oscar.
Guitar Hero World Tour:
Rock on guys, rock on.
Rock and Roll is singing with your eyes closed. Right, Sean?
Blaine, Markelle, Doug, Jen, Brent and Amy... with Rock Stars, Sean and Shad in the background.
Blaine's friend, Brian and his awesome wife, Christy (seriously, I love her!) were in town with their cute little dude, Spencer. Look at this kid--and he's only six months! ... I love it.


  1. Jake is such a cutie pie! Look at those blue eyes!!

  2. Looks like you had fun on your trip, and who would have know it would be that cold in Vegas! Good thing for the Gap to buy something cute and warm!

  3. Hey Alicia! It's Haley, and I finally found your blog from my mom and I'm adding you and your sisters to my list so I will become a faithful reader of your blog! Your family is darling! Our blog is:

  4. I am trying to not be offended that you came to Vegas and didn't call me. Hello! I could babysit and I miss your guts. So sad for me. But glad you had fun. I want to see that show so I am jealous.

  5. Hooray for A.B.& J. blog updates! The pictures are fabulous and I love you guys!

  6. Awww, what a cute picture of the boys! We had such a good time and I really like you too! We definitely have to get together again.

    And yay for Baby Gap! I think you should forget needed clothes more often. Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?

    Guess what? I have another one for you. When people write, "It was harder THEN I thought." Ugh! That bugs me. It's..."It was harder THAN I thought."

  7. Yeah, The Beatles Love was life changing for me. Oh my goodness, it was so amazing. AND... if you're a bad mommy then so am I. When Soph was a baby, we went to Santa Monica with nothing warm to wear. I also had to stop at Baby Gap and get her a warm outfit (one of my favorites, as it turns out).

  8. oh, i love the pics! it was so great seeing you!! yeah!! hey, please email me your address as well as your sisters....thanks!!
