Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Epiphanies Galore

I've had four epiphanies today:
1. I remembered that I kind of dig exercise. Weird.
2. U2 rocks my world. "Rattle and Hum" has been in the car disc-changer for over a week now, and today while re-discovering my elliptical machine, I watched their "Slane Castle" concert DVD. Awesome. All the U2 love came back today for me in full force. I feel great.
3. I've discovered the secret to wanting more children: folding little, tiny clothes. It makes laundry bearable... and I get sad when the itty-bitty things get too tiny to wear and they have to be permanently folded and put away. He's just getting so big.
4. Fresh flowers by my kitchen sink make me happy. I'm on my second bouquet and so far, January doesn't suck so bad after all. Actually, January has been pretty great. We'll see how I feel come February, when I turn the dreaded 30.


  1. I think that I need fresh flowers on my desk. It adds such a brightness. So simple. Good suggestions.

  2. Alicia!
    I usually love your blog polls. But this one sucks! Dave and I just started watching season 1 this weekend. So, we are just getting to know these characters. Does this mean all these people die?? No! don't say.

  3. A....GREED on all of these epiphanies!

  4. You have great epiphanies! I still don't understand ellipticals, but I am trying to. I much prefer the treadmill or bike. Oh well, to each their own.

  5. Fresh flowers is the cure to winter blues I think. Oh the little baby clothes go so fast... your little man is so darn cute Lee. Miss you!

  6. I'll be forever a little jealous that you and Brad bonded over U2 before Brad and I bonded over anything.

    I can't believe you ruined 24 for Candice.

  7. Okay Alicia I have made a decision for you ready....??? You need to move down here so we can spoil your little man.And,Ellie is not to old to arrange a future temple marriage with Jake is she? :-)

  8. Oh, the little baby clothes are so cute. Whenever I see the little 0-3 month, or newborn clothes I get so baby hungry!!!

  9. That is what January is For. Epiphanies. I did the same thing about Garth last night. Gosh I love him.

  10. Bout time you dropped the "private" blog status. Being private - so stuck up! Now my Dashboard actually tells me about your new posts and I feel "cool" again. Thanks for letting me back in your inner cirlce. BFF

  11. Is it too late to leave a comment? It's the teeny baby clothes and shoes that make the world go round. Flowers by my sink make me smile every time I enter the room. Turning 30 will be awesome because you're married to a fantastic man, you have the cutest baby boy in the world, and you still look like a movie star!

  12. I couldn't agree more about the fresh flowers. Whenever Craig comes home and sees them, he always says "Oh, nice! Did I buy you flowers again today?"
