Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So, it was pretty much a great birthday.
My amazing sisters threw me a themed party (see invite below) a la John Hughes. I love the Brat-Pack movies and after doing
some imdb research, I realized I love everything else he's ever had a hand in (minus the Beethoven fiascoes and Baby's Day Out). I've spent almost my whole life wanting to be Molly Ringwald. I'm pretty sure I was first attracted to Blaine because of his name "That's a major appliance, that's not a name!"--Pretty in Pink, and may or may not have named my son because, like "Jake Ryan" in Sixteen Candles, Jake Carter is a hot-guy-name.
Anyway, it was a great time. I'm so happy so many people got into it and came dressed up. Aside from the fact that I'm actually thirty years old now... the night was perfect.
If you're interested in reading a really cool article about how John Hughes makes great, fun and poingant movies, click here.
How great are these invites?
Blaine and me:
"Blane" (Andrew McCarthy) Pretty in Pink and "Claire" (Molly Ringwald) Breakfast Club
I promise the hair was (not much) better than it looks here. I should have opted for a wig, but instead sprayed it red.
Note skinny tie and diamond earrings.
Also note that I may have wanted to date Blaine when he told me his name, I started quoting Pretty in Pink and he finished the quote.
Margaret and Brady as themselves.
Brad and Michelle:
"Harry" (Joe Pesci) Home Alone and "Allison" (Ally Sheedy) Breakfast Club.
Note the authentically burned beanie and tons of eyeliner.
Valerie and Ben:
"Andie" (Molly Ringwald) Pretty in Pink and "The Geek a.k.a. Farmer Ted" (Anthony Michael Hall) Sixteen Candles.
Note the fantastic pink flowey prom dress and wigs.

We thought it would be funny to buy some TAB... Yeah-- I think I have an entire 12-pack left-over. Oh well, it is the greatest invention next to the Walk-Man and Velcro.
Why is Ally Sheedy so angry?
Doug and Jen:
"John" (Judd Nelson) Breakfast Club and "Sloan" (Mia Sara) Ferris Bueller's day Off.
Note the bandannas, steel-toe boots, and fringe-jacket.
Markelle, Brent and Jack:
"Iona" (Annie Potts) Pretty in Pink, "Cousin Eddie" (Randy Quaid) Christmas Vacation, and "Dennis" (Mason Gamble) Dennis the Menace.
Note the beehive hair, the spray-painted yellow slippers, the white tassel-shoes, and black dickie.

Megan and Scott:
"Ginny" (Blanche Baker) Sixteen Candles and "Abe Froman" Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Note the WEDDING DRESS! (Megan made best friends with an ex-wife, donating her dress at D.I. ... awesome.) Also note that Scott's character is never actually in Ferris. This is so freaking cool. He donned a snooty tux, glasses, and little sausages that he passed out all night. He even had business cards made up that said, "Chicago Meats Inc. : The Sausage King of Chicago". If you don't know what I'm talkng about then shame on you! Go watch Ferris Bueller right now. It is timeless and is still one of my all-time-favorites.
Jason, Laurel and Isabel
"Jack" (Michael Keaton), "Caroline" (Teri Garr) and "Kenny" (Taliesin Jaffe)
all from Mr. Mom
Note the tool-belt, Jack's favorite shirt, the power-suit, blue high heels and amazing blouse, the Sesame Street tank-top and woobie.
Laurel LOVES being a working mom in the 80s!
Megan trying to snap her fingers while trying to get married doped up on muscle-relaxers.
"Bet those people who thought we had to get married feel pretty stupid right now, 'eh Padre?"
Close-up of Isa's rockin' Sesame Street digs. I think I had this shirt when I was a kid.

Janelle (another Ally Sheedy from Breakfast Club), Ange and Craig as themselves... well Ange did sport a side-pony-tail and we did make Craig participate in our Breakfast Club photo op.
"HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! (Don't You Forget About Me)"
The beginning of a series of dancin' pictures.
Okay, so maybe it was just Michelle and me.
Still going...
I'm pretty sure Michelle's going to kill me for this one.
This is actually the poster from Breakfast Club...
...And a few of us trying really hard to make an idea work.
Thanks, Craig and Jason for being our Emilio and Anthony.


  1. I'm the best sister ever for doing this party and you're the worst sister ever for posting these pictures.

  2. Okay I am crying looking at all these pictures. What a fun party I can only imagine how hard you all laughed that night!

  3. Abe Froman was pretty hardcore, I'm not gonna lie...Happy B-day!

  4. That is!!! I'm trying to figure out what character I would have been. Maybe I would have donned the popular chick who's drunk and gets her hair cut off. That would have been a fun one. :) Glad you guys had fun! Woohoo! Thanks for the pictures.

  5. I wish I had been there@ I'm jealous

  6. What an AMAZING party!!! Welcome to your 30's! (It's not ALL bad!)


  7. I can't even think of which movie character I'd be...most moms in those movies were clueless! But what a fun, fun birthday party.

  8. Those are so fun! I love that everyone dressed up and I too love every single one of his movies and Ferris bullers day off is one of my most fav's. Me and my sisters also loved Sixteen Candles! What a a fun Birthday.

  9. You are easily the coolest person I know. Wow. I love you girl! Happy 30th!

  10. Oh my gosh, how freaking fun!!! wish I lived by ya... I TOTALLY would've dressed up for the occasion!!! Looks like it was a blast! Glad you had a great time :)

  11. ya pretty much the coolest party EVER! You are glad you were born and that you are finally into your 30's...I have been lonely! usually people say they met their husband, in my case Scott Lee, and the rest is history. I like to say I met Alicia Lee, and the rest is history!!! FOR REAL!! Love you more than you'll know~!

  12. Oh my gosh!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! That is freaking AWESOME!!! ahhh, so fun! looks like you had a great time.

  13. You are so goofy. I am glad you had a great birthday. I thought of you all day long - I know I should have called, but still, "it's the thought that counts". YOU ARE OLD(er than I am)!!!

  14. I am so sad I missed it. I knew I was missing a fabulous and fun night. I am glad your party was a hit. Val said it was a blast. Happy Birthday Alicia!

  15. Alicia, so glad you found our blog! This is Amy btw... and I am so freaking jealous of your birthday party! That is such a great idea! You'll have to ask Cort about my birthday last year...he had such good intentions...not so good execution:)

  16. This is like the party of my dreams and i didn't even make it... maybe when I turn 30. Wow! That's old.

  17. Ok, Amy here again... After much contemplation and connecting the dots with Cort, I'm pretty sure I was in a Math 1050 class with you and your little sister. Don't ask how I even remembered that. I remember you and your sister sitting in the back of class (I think you guys dropped it, and probably a good thing because that was freaking hard) and you always had coke and also remembered that you lived at Pinnacle. I think the teacher's name was Julie ? Ring any bells?

  18. huh- that's embarrassing. The funny thing is, neither of us dropped that class... I think we just both failed it.

  19. Happy Birthday! What a fun Party.

  20. Sad to have missed the party. Looks hilarious. Welcome to the 30's my dear friend.

  21. That looks like way too much fun! I so wish I could have been there and dressed up like Caroline from Sixteen Candles (cut hair and all). Those pictures of you guys are classic. You totally look like Claire! I especially loved the dancing pics of Claire and Alison

  22. Your party looked like it was a lot of fun. I was invited and sorry I couldn't be there. Someday let's actually see each other ok!!!

  23. I REALLY REALLY wanted to come as the butch chick that manhandles Wong Duck Dong.

    Sorry I missed it :(
