Thursday, February 19, 2009

So long, Conan. So long.

After a weighty conversation with Candice last night (check out her blog--she is a true believer!), I've decided a tribute to Conan is long over-due. As you all [should] know, Conan's nights are numbered. He is leaving his late-night slot and headed to host Leno and Carson's (that's Johnny Carson, not Carson Daly) old stomping grounds. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this move. I mean, it means more viewers, (including me... I just can't stay up that late anymore), more notoriety, and the potential for more hilarity. However, will Conan be able to keep his zany wit and off-color characters? I just don't know. Will he be able to keep up the self-deprecation that is so endearing? Will his writers and producers even be going with him? These are all really important issues that I guess I won't be able to process until June when Mr. O'Brien takes over. Until then, Conan--it's been a good ride. I've watched you for years. I love the hair, the freckles, the string dance, well... everything. You've been on my top ten list for a good decade and I look forward to another ten years.
In other television news... I've decided I love 30 Rock more than The Office and maybe as much as Arrested Development. There. I said it.


  1. I'm with you on 30 Rock, my sister bought us season one for Christmas, but these new episodes are hilarious . . . did you see the one last week with the blind girl? It is good medicine for me . . . I just wish it was on every night.
    I got some baby legs, btw, and yes, I love them.

  2. I might cry tonight. I almost did watching last night. You are the only one that understands.

  3. Yeah... Last night's last show was emotional. I loved how gracious Conan was. It was kind of cool to see that side of him. It's the end of an era.

  4. I'm SOOOO glad to hear that you love 30 Rock more than The Office! I agree 100%! It's brilliant, and I absolutely adore Liz Lemon!

  5. It's a little too close to home for me sometimes watching LIZ Lemon. Most...I mean some of the stuff is kinda like exactly my life.

    I suck.

  6. I have been saying that about 30 Rock for a long time and I am so glad to have someone on board!

    Sad to say, I haven't watched Conan in a long time because I just can't stay up that late anymore. But it is an end to an era and I hope his new home works just as well.

  7. Alicia, I am a die hard Lemon fan. She is so funny, I had a dream once that I was hanging out with her. Steve told me that it meant I was just as big of a dork as she is... hopefully true. I also have to admit, take it however you want to, that Lemon reminds me of you. All of her lines are hilarious - she is the best and I want to go to there. Let's talk on the phone and repeat all the quotes we can think of from 30 Rock.

  8. Kendee-- you've made my day! I totally want to go to there.

  9. Love it ALL ladies- super fun!!!

  10. Speaking of Arrested Development. If/when Jake becomes interested in Sesame Street you will be in for a treat when "Max the Magician" makes an appearance on Sesame Street. I'll give you a hint, he's a terrible magician and his intro music is "The Final Countdown". I just about died laughing and I'm sure Eden was wondering what was so funny.

  11. I too worry about Conan's new show and nothing will ever be as good as Arrested Development how dare you even think it. I do agree that 30 rock is better than the office though.
