Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kaiya's Blessing Day

Kaiya's Blessing day was perfect. Her dress was custom made (by Jes, check her out!) and it was so beautiful... Kind of made me super-jealous. I sure hope Jes will make a baby girl dress for me someday. 

Anyway, My family was in town and as always, we had a great time. I just wish we got more time together. These trips are always so short.

The Walkers. Brad, Michelle and baby Kaiya.
The whole clan.
My little brother, Matt is always sneaking sleeping pictures of my mom and dad with his cell phone. I had to get in on the fun.
Playing with Kaiya on the floor as things were settling down after the blessing. Isabel LOVES her cousins. She is always mothering them and trying to help them with whatever--whether it's putting binkies back in Kaiya's mouth or soothing Jake in the back-seat. I love it.
Michelle and me ogling baby.
The Richardsons. Jason, Isabel and Laurel.
Michelle and her little girl. I love these pictures. It's pretty fun seeing my baby sister with her baby.
Aren't they pretty?
The star of the day.
And... The Carters. Aren't we cute? I saved the best for last. I can say that because for some weird reason I don't have a picture of Scott and Megan--and we all know
that they are really the best. :)


  1. So aside from that fabulous picture of Kaiya (seriously... amazing!), I am in LOVE with your family picture!

  2. you look f-ing hott in your family picture!

  3. I love when the family all gets together. That's what I was doing last weekend. Baptism and baby blessing in California. And oh my gosh, can Jake be any cuter in those pictures? He is getting so big and his cheeks are getting so chunky. I love it! Love his church clothes too. I need to get me some o' that "new clothes" action for Spencer.

  4. A custom made dress...SAY WHAAA!! I am jealous, to say the least!!!

    And I love that in the whole family picture, Jake is sucking on your necklace!! Such a cutie pie!!

    Don't you just love it when family comes to visit??!!

    And Becca Jo is right...you are a eff-ing hot momma-sita!!

  5. Except, I added momma-sita to the end of mine! ;-)

  6. Cute and fun pictures! I love your family. Jake is getting so big too!

  7. Holy crap Jake weighs 19 pounds?!

  8. Alicia! You are looking super hott! Good grief! I find it hard to believe that you recently had a baby! You look absolutely gorgeous!

  9. You ARE a cute family. I love that hair on your little meatball. You look gorgeous of course. Sad I missed you at girls dinner. We should arrange a play date or something, what do you think?

  10. I don't want to be a demanding mother (actually, I guess I do) but could you email these photos to my WalMart so that I can pick up some copies? My fridge could use some updating! You're a doll.
